(Ethan Huff – Natural News) In case you haven’t noticed, Microsoft co-founder and billionaire “philanthropist” Bill Gates is champing at the bit to implement his long-awaited mandatory vaccination agenda. And what better catalyst for making it happen than the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis?
Just months after his infamous Event 201, which was all about a hypothetical pandemic scenario, out pops the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) right on schedule to bring to life Gates’ fantasy dream of jabbing every person on the planet with one of his “philanthropic” vaccines.
And wouldn’t you know it, but Gates also recently stepped down from the board of Microsoft – just before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) struck, it’s important to note – in order to focus more on his “philanthropic” endeavors, which we know from history actually center around his eugenics agenda.
With the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) being a ripe target for exploitation, Gates has already thrown billions of dollars into setting up multiple avenues for developing not just one, but seven, potential vaccines for it. He’s also calling for “digital certificates” to prove that a person has been vaccinated, allowing them reentry back into the world economy.
This is in addition to the $450 million that Gates contributed to the effort to “eradicate polio,” as well as numerous other endeavors he’s been a part of over the years that all have one thing in common: mandatory vaccination.
The guy lives to vaccinate, and it’s really the only thing he ever seems to talk about. Sure, he’ll occasionally mention pharmaceuticals as well – never nutrition, by the way – but vaccines are Gates’ thing, for which he almost has a bizarre type of fetish.
Be sure to watch The Health Ranger Report below as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how globalists like Bill Gates want to turn you and your family into vaccinated cattle who exist and live on a giant tax farm plantation:
Bill Gates has killed THOUSANDS of children – why would we trust him with coronavirus?
The mainstream media is having a heyday parading Bill Gates around as some kind of benevolent humanitarian who only wants to help protect people from deadly disease. But all it takes is about five minutes of independent research, along with common sense, to realize that this is a farcical notion.
Gates has admitted on numerous occasions that he supports mass depopulation of the planet, and has even admitted that vaccines are part of what’s going to make that happen. Why, then, are some people trusting him to bring to fruition a magical vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that will somehow save people rather than harming or killing them?
Don’t forget that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spread deadly drugs and vaccines all around the world that, if you actually look at the data, have injured and killed tens of thousands of innocent children whose parents believed the lie that Gates and his cronies were there to help them.
More of the details about all this are available at Children’s Health Defense (CHD).
Suffice it to say that Bill and Melinda Gates aren’t the benevolent humanitarians they’re being presented as, nor do they have the best interests of you and your family at heart. By their own admissions, they want to jab you with chemicals, tag you with tracking devices, and ultimately brand you with their mark of the beast, which appears to be the next “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
“… Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on all American children – and adults,” warns CHD.
To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out Pandemic.news.
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