Crooked Richard Burr Says He Stands by His Junk Report that Russia Interfered to Help Trump in 2016 Despite Recent Findings the Show the Opposite Took Place

This guy is as dumb as he is crooked.

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) released another report on Tuesday with his buddy Mark Warner (D-VA) saying they stand with their junk reports that Vladimir Putin interfered in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump.

Richard Burr was recently accused of insider trading for dumping his hotel stocks before the coronavirus panic hit the US.

Burr is the same senator who harassed the Trump family and subpoenaed Donald Trump Jr. to testify in the junk Russia collusion hoax.

This horrible Republican senator also extended his bogus investigation of Russia collusion well into 2019 in order to abuse the Trump family, the Trump campaign and the Trump administration.

Earlier this month the DOJ released info that Comey’s FBI knew the Hillary Clinton-funded dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele was bogus Russian disinformation — but they used it anyway to spy on Trump’s campaign.

The entire Russia hoax was based on Russia misinformation fed to Chris Steele for his Trump-Russia dossier.

Despite this Burr announced with Warner today that they stand by the crap Russia report.

Burr is a disgrace.

Mediaite reported:

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan report saying they still stand with the U.S. intelligence community and their conclusions about Russia’s interference during the 2016 presidential election.

The new report is the fourth of five volumes to emerge from the intelligence committee’s assessments from 2017, when the CIA, the FBI, and a number of other agencies agreed that Russia tried to meddle with the election to Donald Trump’s benefit. Though highly-redacted, the volume reaffirms that there was “specific intelligence” to support the conclusions that Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to undermine public trust in American institutions, and it was carried out to the detriment of Hillary Clinton.

The report found that there was “a coherent and well-constructed intelligence basis” in assessing Russia’s activities, that the intelligence gathered was properly represented, and that “the Committee heard consistently that analysts were under no politically motivated pressure to reach specific conclusions.” Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA) released statements following the report’s release, expressing agreement on the findings and saluting the “sources, tradecraft, and analytic work behind the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA).”

The post Crooked Richard Burr Says He Stands by His Junk Report that Russia Interfered to Help Trump in 2016 Despite Recent Findings the Show the Opposite Took Place appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.