By B.N. Frank
Because more incidents of animals testing positive for the coronavirus have been reported, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extended social distancing guidelines for them too.
From the New York Post:
Now even dogs have to roll over for the coronavirus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is telling pet owners that their furry family members need to follow the same social-distancing rules as everyone else during the COVID-19 pandemic — including keeping away from their other four-legged friends.
“Treat pets as you would other human family members — do not let pets interact with people or animals outside the household,” the agency said in an advisory. “If a person inside the household becomes sick, isolate that person from everyone else, including pets.”
The organization is also advising pet owners to avoid dog parks or public places where a large number of people and dogs gather.
The advice comes after reports of animals becoming infected after having contact with a person with the virus.
Like their human caretakers, pets can also be affected by exposure to “Electrosmog” too. 5G, Bluetooth, cell phone radiation and WiFi are all sources. Research has even determined that exposure even reduces immunity to illnesses – like, for example, the coronavirus.
Exposure can cause all kinds of symptoms and illnesses – from pesky to life-threatening (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8. 9).
Do you wear an activity tracker while you love on your pet? Do you use other wireless devices near your fur children – cell phones, laptops, home assistants, video games, etc.? Lots of “Electrosmog” being emitted by all of the above. When you turn on WiFi in your home or automobile – you’re saturating it with harmful radiation which can also increase cancer risk. Anything “smart” or wireless is emitting “Electrosmog.” That includes the tens of millions of electric, gas, and water “Smart” meters that utility companies have installed on homes and throughout communities worldwide (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). It’s likely that smart meters are installed on your home too – even if your utility companies don’t refer to them as “smart.”
Health experts have been warning for years already that “Electrosmog” is an “invisible threat” or enemy. No being will be affected exactly the same way, which is true of all pollutants. Health experts seem to say the same thing about viruses. Maybe you and your human loved ones won’t suffer from “Electrosmog.” Unfortunately, the same may not be true for Rover and Mittens.
Activist Post reports regularly about biological and environmental health risks from “Electrosmog.” For more information visit our archives and the following websites.
- Wireless Information Network
- 5GCrisis
- Center For Safer Wireless
- Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
- ElectromagneticHealth
- Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
- EMF Safety Network
- EMF Scientist
- Environmental Health Trust
- Physicians for Safe Technology
- Scientists for Wired Tech
- Smart Grid Awareness
- Take Back Your Power
- Whatis5G.Info
Image: Pixabay
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Even WITH Social Distancing for Pets, They Can Be Affected by 5G, WiFi, and Sources of “Electrosmog”