Biden Struggles to Read Off His Notes, Loses His Train of Thought (VIDEO)

What is wrong with old Joe?

77-year-old Joe Biden on Monday struggled to read off of his own notes and lost his train of thought.

“So workers don’t have to leave work to get uh, to be fired in order to — when they get sick to be able to continue to live,” said Biden as he read from prepared notes.


Biden can’t even get through a sentence without tripping over his own tongue which is why he often reads from prepared notes or a Teleprompter.

Joe Biden over the weekend read prepared answers during his ‘interview’ on MSNBC.

Biden responded to Al Sharpton’s softball questions with prepared answers, reading from a Teleprompter during a supposed live “interview.”

President Trump is going to destroy old stuttering Joe in the upcoming presidential debates.

The post Biden Struggles to Read Off His Notes, Loses His Train of Thought (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.