FIVE MINUTES HATE: Leftists Create “Boo for Boris” Event

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Leftists have started a “Boo for Boris” event to be held at 8PM on Tuesday after the Prime Minister defended his senior advisor, Dominic Cummings.

Over the past week there has been a recent media outrage over allegations that he had broken lockdown guidelines by visiting his family in Durham. The outrage bled out into Twitter, and even to people harassing Cummings on the street outside his house.

Cummings cleared up the allegations in a press conference on Monday, proving the media class and his harassers wrong, but not before a number of leftists online had a great idea. Given that Boris Johnson had backed up his advisor, they would mimic the weekly clap to support the NHS that occurs at Thursdays on 8PM, with their own “Boo for Boris” event:

A “Boo for Boris” Facebook event was set up that at the time of writing has over 61,000 responses, actively encouraging what amounts to a literal 5 minute hate in their description:

We’ve had clap for carers, and rightly so, but amid this Dominic Cummings scandal it’s time to Boo for Boris. So, on Tuesday 26th May, observing strict social distancing from your own doorstep, join us as we turn our backs and “Boo for Boris.” Show this government that we will not accept one rule for them and another for us. So boo: Boo for the poor handling of this Covid-19 crisis, boo for government privilege, boo for Boris

There has even been a video uploaded to YouTube with pre-recorded booing for “those who are not unable to be as loud as they’d like booing for Boris, or those who’d appreciate extra reinforcement.”

While most of the tweets date from before the press conference when Cummings cleared up the specifics of what happened, people are still actively posting on the hashtag and in the event at the time of writing:

Caleb Gilliam-Scott, the creator of the Facebook event, wrote that the briefing by Cummings “doesn’t change the core message which is to Boo For Boris,” claiming that “Boris Johnson puts one man above the message of stay home.”

The post FIVE MINUTES HATE: Leftists Create “Boo for Boris” Event appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.