Bombshell primer breaks down the very real risks of this cutting-edge technology

mRNA vaccines — also called “genetic vaccines” — arise from an innovative biotechnology approach that turns the body’s cells into molecular factories to produce proteins that activate a pathogen-specific immune response.

The technology holds great promise but also presents significant risks which are not yet fully known.

Summary of what’s in this article:

– mRNA vaccines promise an intriguing new platform for immunization that does not rely on the growth or harvesting of pathogens from animal tissue. This offers mRNA vaccines several key advantages over traditional vaccines.

– Research into mRNA vaccines is still in its infancy, even though various biotech pioneers have been working on ways to achieve mRNA vaccines for around two decades. It is very likely that yet more decades of research will be required to achieve acceptable levels of safety and efficacy.

– mRNA vaccines can be produced far more rapidly, safely and uniformly than traditional vaccines. Production can be easily scaled up, and there is zero risk of introducing “live” pathogens into the body of the patient, since these vaccines don’t use weakened pathogens in the first place.

– There are very real risks associated with mRNA vaccines including “enhanced” inflammation and auto-immune reactions, where the body’s cells are inadvertently programmed to attack critical proteins required for normal health (such as hormones).

– The profit-motivated rush to deploy mRNA vaccines to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus is causing regulators and researchers to skip (or accelerate) many critical steps in quality control and clinical trials. This is likely to result in catastrophic consequences — unintended side effects — if such vaccines are granted approval for widespread deployment without proper long-term clinical trials.

– mRNA vaccines could be maliciously exploited to weaponize vaccines to target critical physiological functions in humans. This is similar in effect to “RNA interference” technology which is a gene suppressing innovation that has been studied for use as an insect-killing pesticide technology in crops. Although the mechanisms of mRNA vaccines and RNA interference technology are very different, they can achieve many of the same outcomes such as induced infertility or death in targeted organisms, which could include humans. Technically, this could also be exploited to target specific genetic subgroups of humans such as those of African descent.

– The best current application of mRNA vaccines seems to be found in personalized medicine cancer treatment applications, where “vaccines” are customized to teach the body’s immune system to attack and kill cancer cells.

– A reasonable tolerance risk for mRNA vaccine side effects would be proportional to the mortality risk of the pathogen or disease condition the vaccine is treating. For example, if stage IV cancer kills 80% of patients, and a personalized mRNA cancer vaccine cures 50% of patients while killing 5% of patients, the lives-saved-to-patients-killed ratio is 10:1, which would arguably be a reasonable risk to assume. However, if an mRNA coronavirus vaccine is widely given to healthy individuals who are at very low risk of mortality to begin with, then if the mRNA vaccine kills 1 in 1,000 of those people (for example), the vaccine might cause far higher mortality figures than the pathogen itself.


The term “vaccine” is actually a misnomer. The mRNA approach doesn’t infect the body with a weakened (“attenuated”) virus but rather commands the body’s cells to manufacture specific molecules that trick the immune system into thinking a pathogen is present. In the context of vaccines, these molecules are called “antigens,” and when these antigens are produced inside the body’s cells and subsequently presented to the cell surface, the immune system, in ideal circumstances, sees these antigens as invaders and builds an active immune response to eliminate those antigens.

If the antigens are structured in a way that resembles the targeted viral pathogen — such as the Wuhan coronavirus — the body’s immune response should offer protection against the actual coronavirus.

With mRNA vaccines, what’s injected into the body isn’t a weakened virus or even selected antigens but rather protein coding instructions that tell your body’s cells how to make the antigens on their own. (That process is called “translation.”) It’s sort of like writing down and delivering to someone a set of instructions for building a catapult to protect the castle. Instead of building catapults and delivering them to the castle, you’re telling the inhabitants inside the castle how to build their own catapults to fend off invaders.

Here’s a simplified diagram of this process from, one of the many companies pursuing mRNA vaccines against the coronavirus.

As Curevac explains on its website:

With our mRNA technology, we instruct the human body to activate its own defense mechanism. To that, we use the natural messenger substance mRNA that contains the construction manual needed to produce proteins. We program this messenger substance with the information about one protein of the coronavirus and inject it into the human body. The body recognizes the protein produced by our cells as something unknown and activates its immune cells to produce antibodies and T-cells against it. In this way, we imitate the natural viral infection and activate the endogenous defense system.

In theory, mRNA vaccines offer extraordinary advantages over traditional vaccines. They’re safer to manufacture and a lot faster to make. They’re clean (i.e. they will not contain latent viruses found in the animals used to grow traditional vaccines) and typically require no adjuvants or other toxic additives in order to work as intended. Furthermore, they can direct the body to manufacture almost any protein imaginable. That’s how it works in theory, of course.

But they also present enormous risks, and if the deployment of mRNA vaccines is rushed, the results could be catastrophic. Additionally, mRNA vaccines can be maliciously deployed to deliberately trick the human body into attacking its own critical functions such as fertility, neurological function, cell repair and other critical processes. This is explained in more detail below.

The following video, from CureVac, is actually a fairly good overview of the mRNA platform and its promise. Keep in mind this is a greatly simplified promotional video and it of course doesn’t really get into the potential risks or side effects:


The big problem with mRNA vaccines is that human biochemistry is incredibly complex, and the body’s synthesis of tens of thousands of different proteins is remarkably delicate and easy to throw out of balance. Many people don’t realize this, but proteins are not merely structural components of the body (such as muscle tissue), they are also messengers (such as hormones), transport vehicles, enzymes, antibodies and many other types of molecules necessary for good health.

Injecting the body with mRNA strands — which are essentially protein synthesis instructions — could theoretically unleash catastrophic unintended consequences in the body, which could include causing destructive self-reinforcing feedback loops that either diminish necessary protein synthesis or cause runaway excessive protein synthesis. These side effects can potentially lead to at least five negative outcomes:

1) Sudden onset of autoimmune disorders that cause the body’s immune system to attack its own cells. (See more details below.)

2) Heightened inflammation in the body, resulting in a hyper-inflammatory response in some people, leading to secondary effects such as neurological damage, organ failure or cancer. This is also sometimes called an “enhanced” inflammatory response.

3) A heightened risk of blood clotting in response to mRNA strands circulating in the blood outside the body’s cells. This can lead to potentially fatal episodes of stroke or serious cardiovascular events.

4) Immune response interference due to the presence of unintended RNA fragments being translated into unintended proteins, leading to a vast array of negative possible outcomes including molecular deficiencies that can result in various diseases and syndromes including hormonal / endocrine disorders, infertility, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and many more.

5) In the case of self-replicating mRNA vaccines using viral components, an inability to stop a runaway process that’s replicating out of control in the body. This could theoretically occur when the mRNA snippets are pushed into cells via virus replicon particles (VRP), for example, or using other viral delivery methods that rely on viral replication machinery. On the other hand, self-replicating mRNA vaccines allow for injection doses to be incredibly small, since the mRNA coding material is self-replicating, and this could lead to safer vaccines with far smaller dosing requirements compared to traditional vaccines.

In addition to these five major risks, there are also enormously important questions about mRNA vaccines and some of the problems they might encounter in the body:

1) What happens if the desired protein folding goes awry? Without proper folding, the proteins never achieve their desired functionality. In the case of antigens, improper folding would render the structure useless and would not impart immunity. The mRNA translation into a protein is only part of the process of building a protein. The “folding” of the protein is another big part. Perhaps this has already been resolved by the very capable scientists working on this platform, but it’s a question that deserves further exploration.

2) How do the antigens produced inside the cell efficiently get transported to the outer membrane of the cell? This answer seems to be confidently answered by experts in this area, but it raises a second round of questions regarding cell membrane permeability which we already know is altered by electromagnetic exposure from sources such as 5G signals from cell towers. Notably, mRNA vaccine researchers are well aware of the phenomenon known as “electroporation,” because it is used alongside “gene gun” approaches in an attempt to insert self-replicating RNA payloads into cells, as you can see mentioned in this study on mRNA vaccines.

3) What happens if the mRNA snippets get fragmented and only partial instructions are delivered to the ribosomes, resulting in translation of partial proteins? This could, in theory, cause the body to see these partial proteins as pathogenic invaders, even when portions of those proteins might match critical molecules the body needs, such as hormones or enzymes. The end result could be that the immune system gets activated against the body’s own necessary molecules or cells. In other words, this is the autoimmune disorder scenario mentioned in the list above, and it opens up a Pandora’s Box of catastrophic consequences that might be impossible to anticipate.

4) How might mRNA vaccines be maliciously weaponized as a depopulation platform to achieve globalist goals of depopulation via forced infertility? If mRNA can encode for the synthesis of any desired protein, it’s a simple matter to use the platform to build hormone-resembling antigens that would “teach” the human body to attack specific hormones necessary for reproduction and gestation. This, in turn, would theoretically result in widespread female infertility, thereby achieving globalist depopulation goals through vaccine-induced “autoimmune infertility.”

Manufacturers of mRNA vaccines no doubt say all these risks can be mitigated. While that might be true after perhaps 40 years of research and trials, the complexity of the body screams out for additional long-term research on this platform — perhaps 25 years more — not a rushed vaccine that skips animal trials and compresses many years of typical safety research into just a few months.

Importantly, many of the theoretical side effects of an mRNA vaccine would not become apparent until months or years after the initial injection. These adverse events are likely to be systemic, not acute, and would not become apparent in short-term clinical trials. This is a critical issue to grasp, since mRNA vaccines are right now being rushed through short-term clinical trials, leaving open the possibility of long-term unintended side effects that were not anticipated by vaccine manufacturers or FDA regulators.


– They don’t need to be grown in animal organs or chicken eggs, eliminating the risk of cross-species contamination of the vaccine.

– mRNA vaccine makers currently claim that their vaccines don’t require the use of inflammation-inducing adjuvants, which are widely known to be responsible for many of the toxic effects of present-day vaccines.

– Because the vaccine doesn’t consist of pathogens, there is zero risk of “live” pathogens accidentally being injected into the patient, contributing to further spread of infectious disease. This has occurred numerous times with classic vaccines.

– mRNA vaccines are much easier and faster to produce than traditional vaccines. Their manufacture is also easily standardized, with far greater purity and quality control potential than with vaccines which are made from animal tissue.

– The injection doses can be orders of magnitude smaller than for traditional vaccines.

– When mRNA vaccines are specifically programmed to target a patient’s pathogenic cancer tissue, the customized mRNA “vaccine” can be incredibly effective at teaching the body to destroy cancer cells. This is sometimes referred to as a “cancer vaccine,” although the label is misleading. It’s actually a form of personalized medicine where the body is aided in the selective destruction of the very specific cancer cells which are replicating in that patient’s body.


Here’s a summary of the current situation with mRNA vaccines, courtesy of the University of Cambridge and its phg Foundation:

There is still a lot of work to be done before mRNA vaccines can become standard treatments, in the meantime, we need a better understanding of their potential side effects, and more evidence of their long term efficacy.

In other words, mRNA vaccines hold very high long-term promise, but they are nowhere near being ready for large-scale commercial production and administration into billions of people, even though that seems to be the goal of the Moderna corporation and those pushing for a rapid vaccine response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of the known risks of mRNA vaccines include:

– The possibility that mRNA fragments might, through some currently unknown process, enter the cell nucleus and alter the genome of the host. mRNA vaccine companies currently claim this is impossible, but the history of medicine is full of examples of arrogant scientists making catastrophic assumptions about the human body that turned out to be overly optimistic.

– Because mRNA fragments code instructions for protein synthesis in the body, mRNA vaccines could be used to inject the body with “Trojan Horse” payloads of other proteins that are intended to carry out a long list of nefarious ill effects in human hosts, including infertility. This is crucial to note because the W.H.O. approved vaccines administered to young women in Africa have already been found to be laced with HCG, an infertility chemical designed to help achieve global depopulation. Given that many of the most noted vaccine proponents are also depopulation advocates, the exploitation of the mRNA platform to achieve infertility or accelerated deaths cannot be discounted.

– Some types of mRNA vaccines — called “self-amplifying” — inject the body with “viral replication machinery” to force the body to keep replicating the encoded proteins for an extended period of time, making it impossible to stop the process once the injection has taken place.

– The immune response may be far larger than intended, as the body sees the introduced mRNA fragments as evidence that the body is under attack from a pathogen. “Unintended effects: the mRNA strand in the vaccine may elicit an unintended immune reaction,” explains the phg Foundation (Univ. of Cambridge). And as Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, said in a TEDxBeaconStreet conference in 2013:

mRNA creates an immune response. Why? Because a virus is made of mRNA. Like the flu. So if we inject mRNA in a patient, what happens? Your body thinks you just got the flu. And it’s not very good for our drug, because you know all the symptoms of the flu. Not super nice… and the problem of going very high in dose, as you go around your body, you have a ton of side effects.

– There exists a very well known risk that mRNA material introduced into the body may produce autoimmune reactions, where the body’s cells are essentially programmed to attack other healthy cells. From, “mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology,” published in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery in 2018, authored by Norbert Pardi and colleagues:

…recent human trials have demonstrated moderate and in rare cases severe injection site or systemic reactions for different mRNA platforms…

A possible concern could be that some mRNA-based vaccine platforms54,166 induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity.

Another potential safety issue could derive from the presence of extracellular RNA during mRNA vaccination. Extracellular naked RNA has been shown to increase the permeability of tightly packed endothelial cells and may thus contribute to oedema. Another study showed that extracellular RNA promoted blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation…

In other words, having RNA floating around in the blood, outside the cells — which is how mRNA vaccines are administered — caused blood clotting, which also happens to be one of the deadly side effects of COVID-19 itself. Autoimmune reactions have also been noted in the research.


All this raises the question: If the purpose of mRNA vaccines is to program the body’s cells to manufacture antigens which are then recognized by the immune system, why not just inject the body with antigens in the first place and skip the need to hijack the body’s protein synthesis machinery?

As explains on its “How vaccine work” page, it seems clear that injecting antigens would be a more direct route to desired levels of immunity rather than injecting mRNA instructions that tell the body’s cells to produce the antigens:

A vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens, either viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be introduced into the body to trigger an immune response.

These molecules are called antigens, and they are present on all viruses and bacteria. By injecting these antigens into the body, the immune system can safely learn to recognize them as hostile invaders, produce antibodies, and remember them for the future. If the bacteria or virus reappears, the immune system will recognize the antigens immediately and attack aggressively well before the pathogen can spread and cause sickness.

So why not just inject the body with antigens instead of going through the indirect route of injecting the body with protein synthesis instructions (i.e. mRNA) that tells the body to produce the antigens?

The answer, it seems, comes down to ease of production. It’s relatively fast, easy and cost effective to synthesize mRNA sequences compared to creating antigens outside the body.

As stated in “mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology,” published in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery in 2018:

mRNA vaccines have the potential for rapid, inexpensive and scalable manufacturing, mainly owing to the high yields of in vitro transcription reactions.

The University of Cambridge phg Foundation adds:

A major advantage of RNA vaccines is that RNA can be produced in the laboratory from a DNA template using readily available materials, less expensively and faster than conventional vaccine production, which can require the use of chicken eggs or other mammalian cells.

In other words, mRNA sequences can be quickly and cheaply produced in large quantities, without involving the use of live animals, egg yolks or other animal-derived components. Many people don’t know, for example, that vaccines manufactured today are made from African Green Monkey kidney cells, which are acquired by first capturing and imprisoning monkeys, infecting them with deadly diseases, murdering them and harvesting their kidneys to be processed and inserted into vaccines.

The mRNA platform avoids the use of animals in the manufacturing process, although animals are still used in medical experiments for vaccine development and safety testing. Effectively, mRNA vaccines might be the “clean” vaccines that many vaccine skeptics have been demanding for years. No adjuvants, no animal organs, no stealth viruses. Just snippets of code, made mostly with simple nucleic acids.


Instead of being grown in infected animals or animal tissue, mRNA strands are synthesized in a laboratory and don’t involve the handling of infectious agents or unknown viral pathogens that may exist in a latent form in animals. Thus, mRNA vaccines are are some ways inherently safer to manufacture, handle and administer than traditional vaccines.

There exist numerous companies that synthesize mRNA strands for various purposes, including vaccine research. One such company is called TriLink Biotechnologies ( which offers custom mRNA synthesis. Via their website:

We manufacture non-coding RNAs and provide tailored synthesis at milligram to multigram scales, with lengths ranging from a few hundred nucleotides to greater than 10 kilobases. TriLink has a large collection of modified nucleotides that can modulate innate immune recognition to maximize activity for your specific application

From the TriLink Antigen mRNA page:

mRNAs can be engineered for the quick and cost-effective production of virtually any protein. They can also induce strong immune responses without the risks associated with some live virus vaccines and so are an effective mechanism for delivering vaccine antigens. Whether delivered ex vivo (for example, to dendritic cells) or administered in vivo using a delivery vehicle such as an endosome, exogenous mRNAs can be recognized by pattern recognition receptors in cells and so act as their own adjuvant.

Another mRNA synthesis company called describes their in vitro mRNA synthesis technology as follows:

When you want instant expression after transfection into cells, deliver your gene-of-interest as an mRNA made with SBI’s mRNAExpress™ mRNA Synthesis Kit. Designed to generate in vitro transcripts for transfection of mammalian cells, micro-injection into oocytes, in vitro translation, and other related applications, this high-yield kit can produce 20—40 µg of high-quality mRNAs in one standard reaction, and comes with a number of performance-enhancing features.

The phrase, “Designed to generate in vitro transcripts for transfection of mammalian cells” means you’re synthesizing mRNA snippets in a lab, to be later injected into mammals (animals or humans).


The (very) big picture in all this is often overlooked by everyone. They miss the forest for the trees because your body already possesses mRNA nanotechnology that can identify pathogens and destroy them. It’s part of the immune system with which you were born.

Your immune system is fully capable of astonishing feats of self preservation, but only if it is properly fueled with the nutrients and elements it needs to perform as designed. Vitamin D deficiency causes immune suppression, and a person who is vitamin D deficient likely won’t respond very well to an mRNA vaccine no matter how advanced the technology.

Zinc, selenium and magnesium are critical elements that tend to be deficient in those with poor immune function. Supplementation with these minerals allows the immune system to reach its full potential, rendering mRNA vaccines largely obsolete.

In effect, we might say that mRNA vaccines are the creation of a deluded society that has censored the truth about nutrition for so long that almost everyone believes we have to become medical mechanics to fix all the body’s problems using advanced nanotechnology and expensive breakthroughs. But in reality, your immune system functions for free… and you were born with it. Sadly, most people refuse to nourish their immune systems with the necessary components to support effective function. And almost no one in any position of authority or power will dare recommend nutrition when there’s so much money to be made from vaccines and patented pharmaceuticals.

What if the answer to the coronavirus were as simple as recommending vitamin D and zinc? If we were only wise enough to allow our own internal nanotechnology to do its job, we wouldn’t have to try to hijack the body’s cells using elaborate, expensive and risky medical interventions.

In the same way that the lottery is a tax on people who can’t do math, vaccines are medicine for those who don’t understand nutrition.

Sources for this article include:

“Nonviral delivery of self-amplifying RNA vaccines”

“mRNA vaccines — a new era in vaccinology”

phg Foundation, University of Cambridge

Alex Jones covers what is on the horizon with COVID-19, the lockdown, the vaccine, and how Big Tech wants to run your life.