Rush Limbaugh on Scamdemic: “The Lockdown Wasn’t Necessary”

The great Rush Limbaugh was back on the air on Tuesday and weighed in on the Fauci lockdown.

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx successfully persuaded the President of the United States in March to lockdown the greatest economy in world history based on junk science models that greatly over-hyped the dangers of the coronavirus.

Rush Limbaugh says there never was any need for the coronavirus lockdown.

RUSH: So let’s take a look at where we are. The moving lockdown goalposts.

Wait ’til you hear what we’ve got coming up in the Stacks of Stuff here. This is — and it’s gonna confirm all your instincts anyway. Two months ago, 2-1/2 months ago they were telling us, “We can’t open until we flatten the curve, and we have to flatten the curve. We have to save our hospitals. We have to save the health care system. We can’t open up ’til we flatten the curve!”

And all the while, trying to convince people that flattening the curve was actually curing or getting rid of the virus, which was never gonna happen by flattening the curve or staying home or locking down. Locking down was never gonna get rid of the virus. Then one month ago, they said, “We can’t open until we have massive testing. We can’t open until we have massive contact tracing. We can’t open ’til we got all these new things.”

Moving the goalposts. Two weeks ago, “We can’t open ’til we have a vaccine!” Today, “We can’t open until Biden’s elected!” As far as the people on the left are concerned, we can’t open period. We cannot have an economic rebirth. We cannot have economic growth, because all of this is tied to trying to tie Trump to what they’re trying to create as an economic disaster…

…Some interesting COVID-19 data. Chuck DeVore has a great piece at The Federalist. Here’s the headline: “Data: Left-Demanded Mass Transit Fueled Covid-19 Deaths — There appears to be…” This is a pull quote. “There appears to be no statistical connection…” I want to be very precise reading this to you, because this is absolutely true, and it’s gonna nuke everything we were told starting with these coronavirus task force updates by the science community and the medical community.

“There appears to be no statistical connection between improved health outcomes and pandemic policies that forced nearly 40 million people into the unemployment lines.” In other words, putting 40 million people out of work by shutting down, by locking down… There is no evidence that doing that improved anybody’s health. There is no evidence that sequestering people worked.

There is no evidence, data — none — that flattening the curve improved anybody’s health outcomes, anybody individually or in whatever demographic group. In other words, it was useless. It was unnecessary. Said another way: “There appears to be no statistical connection between the economic pain of the nationwide shutdowns and the number of COVID-19 cases or fatalities.”

In other words, we’d have the same numbers whether we shut down or not. This is data. This is not somebody’s opinion. He says, “Let that sink in for a moment, given we were told we had to lock down America to ‘flatten the curve’ and save lives,” and we had to protect our hospitals. “On the other hand, the data does suggest that reliance on mass transit is connected with virus cases and fatalities.”

In other words, Andrew Cuomo keeping the subways open for his essential people to get to and from work? There can be a statistical connection made between mass transit and increased cases and fatalities. But there is no statistical connection between the shutdown and the number of COVID-19 cases and fatalities.

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