Rosenstein Claims When He Emailed Mueller That the “Boss and His Staff Do Not Know About Our Discussions” He Was Referring to Jeff Sessions not President Trump – Anyone Believe That?

Former DOJ DAG Rod Rosenstein was in front of the Senate this morning.  During his testimony he was asked about his email to Robert Mueller where he wrote – “The Boss doesn’t know”

We reported in October of 2019:

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 145 pages of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s communications that reveal a very damning email Rosenstein sent to Robert Mueller.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a FOIA lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-00481)).

In an email dated May 12, 2017, just 5 days before Mueller was appointed as special counsel, Rosenstein assured Robert Mueller that “The boss and his staff do not know about our discussions.”

Today Rosenstein claims he was referring to Jeff Sessions and not President Trump:

Rosenstein cannot be trusted.  He created the Mueller sham.  He is corrupt!

The post Rosenstein Claims When He Emailed Mueller That the “Boss and His Staff Do Not Know About Our Discussions” He Was Referring to Jeff Sessions not President Trump – Anyone Believe That? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.