New York Looters and Hoodlums Attack Guardian Angels Founder Curtis Sliwa – Break His Jaw with a Hammer During Riots

Looters and hoodlums attacked the founder of the Guardian Angels, Curtis Sliva, during the riots this week in New York City.

The looters broke Sliva’s jaw with a hammer and another Guardian Angel lost his eye during the attack.

The Guardian Angels stated goal is to keep order and protect the community.

The Daily Mail reported:

Curtis Sliwa said he and his Guardian Angels clashed with hundreds of looters as they tried to steal from a FootLocker athletic shoe store in New York’s Soho neighborhood after George Floyd protests Tuesday night.

Sliwa, the 66-year-old founder of the civilian safety patrol, says he took a hit in the jaw with a hammer during the melee that held off three waves of ‘thugs’.

He claimed victory after the confrontation with the looters, although the clash did cost Guardian Angel Aram Sabet vision in his left eye when he suffered a broken eye socket and broken nose. His injuries required 48 stitches.

‘They literally surrounded us,’ he told ABC 7, estimating the number of people by this point in the confrontation had risen to 150.

Sliwa was left with a linear facture in his jaw, but was still claiming a win.

‘It was an all out They did not gain a foot. They did not gain a yard,’ Sliwa said during an interview with Fox News, about the confrontation.

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