‘WE WILL TAKE OVER’: Islamists Declare Riots The End of America

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Islamist leaders worldwide have voiced their pleasure about the ongoing violent riots against U.S. law enforcement authorities.

leader Ismail al-Wahwah suggested that the riots would bring about a new world order, led by Islam.

“Who will take over if America falls?,” al-Wahwah stated in a propaganda clip released on Wednesday.

“Someone can say Europe, someone can say China, speak about Russia some, but for me the message is, the one who have more values, true values, and that’s us Muslims. I would be hypocrite if I say I’m not happy for what’s happening in America today,” he added.

al-Wahwah is the Australian leader of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an international Islamic terrorist network, and has previously done prison time in Jordan. The network is banned in most Middle Eastern countries, including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, but remains legal in most Western countries, including the United States and Australia.

Supporters of another international jihadist network, the infamous Islamic State, also hailed the rioting, describing it as the “American Civil War”.

“You are waking up this morning to news of the destruction of America, the dismantling of its States, and civil war,” an Islamic State propagandist declared. “May Allah give them them a taste of what they did to the Muslims in Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine, and may he save the Muslims there from all evil.”

The Islamic Circle of North America and other Muslim organizations have declared June 5 a “day of outrage”, in reference to the “day of rage” violence common in parts of the Middle East.

“The Islamists are about to expand their presence in the insurrection,” wrote former White House national security analyst Rich Higgins. “‘Day of Rage’ is a term of art designed to coincide with Jummah prayers.”

The Islamic Circle of North America previously had close ties with senior al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki, who addressed their convention in 2002.

Leaders of Islamist governments have also been heavily critical of the killing of Floyd.

“The racist and fascist approach that led to the death of George Floyd in the US city of Minneapolis as a result of torture has not only deeply saddened all of us, but it has also become one of the most painful manifestations of the unjust order we stand against across the world,” stated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“The crime committed against this black man is the same thing the U.S. government has been doing against all the world,” Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini declared. “This is the U.S. government’s true nature and character that is being exposed today.”

Other senior Iranian officials went further still, declaring the country’s support for the rioters and condemning the response of U.S. law enforcement.

“We deeply regret to see the American people, who peacefully seek respect and no more violence, being suppressed indiscriminately and met with utmost violence,” said Abbas Mousavi, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry. “To the American people: the world has heard your outcry over the state of oppression. The world is standing with you to the American officials and police: stop violence against your people and let them breathe.”

The post ‘WE WILL TAKE OVER’: Islamists Declare Riots The End of America appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.