BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine

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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) own a financial stake in the Bill Gates-funded Moderna Coronavirus vaccine, raising big questions about the supposed impartiality of the federal government’s policy decisions during the Coronavirus outbreak. NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, a financial ally of Bill Gates whose institute is part of NIH, has been critical of Hydroxychloroquine and the FBI even raided a health spa serving intravenous vitamin C, which are competitors to a vaccine.

“We do have some particular stake in the intellectual property” for the Moderna vaccine stated Francis Collins, the director of NIH, in a revelatory recent Economic Club panel discussion.

Newly published documents from Public Citizen have massive implications. Public Citizen states: “The U.S. government may jointly own a potential coronavirus vaccine. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has played a critical role in coronavirus research for years. Building off this work, federal scientists have helped design and test mRNA-1273—a vaccine candidate developed in partnership with Moderna.[2] The federal government has filed multiple patents covering mRNA-1273. In this report, we describe two patent applications that list federal scientists as co-inventors.[3] If the government successfully pursued its patent filings, the resulting patents would likely confer significant rights. We also review recently disclosed contracts between NIH and Moderna. The agreements suggest that NIH has not transferred its rights, but instead maintains a joint stake.”

Journalist Patrick Howley exposes the Coronavirus “Contact Tracing” program in the first-ever episode of NATIONAL FILE TV. Dr. Anthony Fauci funded the Coronavirus bat research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, believed to be the source of the outbreak, then the Political Class tried to suppress treatment as Fauci’s friend and associate Bill Gates prepared mass vaccinations and the economy got battered. And the whole episode was written out, planned, in advance.

Here is the remarkable true story:

Why did the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation fund research at MIT on how to implant people’s vaccination history under their skin? Why did Fauci meet with Bill Gates’ father, George Soros, and other globalist heavyweights all the way back in 2001? Why did the Stephen King-created television series The Dead Zone predict the Coronavirus outbreak — and a Chloroquine cure for it — back in 2003?

Why did Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID fund the Coronavirus bat research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo and others have identified as the source of the worldwide outbreak?


Some Republicans are voicing concern after Texas state health officials granted a $295 million Coronavirus Contact Tracing deal to MTX Group, a firm run by a man named Das Nobel, which faces criticism for previous work it did for the state of Kentucky. It turns out the firm is a partner of Google, NATIONAL FILE has learned. MTX Group got the contract without conservative Republican Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick being “in the loop” to the decision process, and Patrick is just one of numerous policymakers questioning the company’s deal with the state, which authorizes MTX to serve as virus investigators charting people’s contacts and relationships. MTX has also partnered during the Coronavirus outbreak with New York State and built Contact Tracing technology employed in Georgia. So what’s really going on here? It turns out MTX is bigtime partners with Google:

I reported: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) policy confirms that “Contact Tracing” data may be sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) and to law enforcement authorities “to place someone under quarantine or isolation.” The Contact Tracing records, stored at the CDC and elsewhere, can also be sent to the Department of Justice, State Department, Department of Homeland Security, congressional offices, and to various medical and legal departments and contractors. Democrats are currently seeking $100 billion in a bill that would authorize grants to conduct contact tracing at people’s homes. Meanwhile, Americans are fearing the political implications of contact tracing, considering that Chelsea Clinton is on the board of trustees of one official contact tracing group that has accepted large sums of money from Bill Gates and George Soros organizations.

HHS records show a System of Records Notice (SORN 09-20-0171) in the Federal Register marking the creation of the record system called “Quarantine- and Traveler-Related Activities, Including Records for Contact Tracing Investigation and Notification…” The records pertain to “Individuals subject to quarantine or isolation orders, ill travelers (i.e., passengers and crew), contacts of ill travelers, and/or individuals exposed or suspected of being exposed to serious communicable diseases.” The records include: “Passenger and crew manifests from conveyances carrying individuals subject to 42 CFR parts 70 and 71, case reports, illness response forms, medical assessments, medical records (including but not limited to clinical, hospital and laboratory data and data from other relevant tests), name, address, date of birth, and related information and documents collected for the purpose of carrying out agency responsibilities under sections 311 and 361-368 of the Public Health Services Act.” The records are being stored at: “Division of Global Migration and Quarantine, National Center for the Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Disease (NCPDCID), Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases (CCID), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, NE., Building 16; MS E03, Atlanta, GA 30333. Records may occasionally be stored at Quarantine Stations located at key ports of entry and at contractor sites.”


“(1) Records may be disclosed to contractors to handle program work duties, performing many of the same functions as FTEs within DGMQ in situations where additional staff is required. Contractors are required to maintain Privacy Act safeguards with respect to such records.

(2) Records may be disclosed to state and local health departments and other cooperating medical and public health authorities and their counsel to more effectively deal with outbreaks and other significant public health conditions.

(3) Personal information from this system may be disclosed as a routine use to appropriate conveyance personnel, Federal agencies, state and local health departments, Department of State and embassy personnel (U.S. and foreign), and health authorities in foreign countries for contact tracing investigations and notifications of possible exposures to serious communicable diseases in connection with travel.

(4) Records may be disclosed to the Department of Homeland Security to restrict travel of persons who pose a public health risk and in the instance of suspected domestic or international terrorism.

(5) Disclosure may be made to medical personnel providing evaluation and care for ill or exposed persons, including travelers.

(6) Records may be disclosed to the World Health Organization in accordance with U.S. responsibilities as a signatory to the International Health Regulations or other international agreements.

(7) Personal information may be disclosed to federal, state, and local authorities for taking necessary actions to place someone under quarantine or isolation, for enforcement of other quarantine regulations, or to protect the public’s health and safety.

(8) Records may be disclosed to cooperating state and local legal departments enforcing concurrent legal authority related to quarantine or isolation activities.

(9) In the event that a system of records maintained by this agency to carry out its functions indicates a violation or potential violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature, and whether arising by general statute or particular program statute, or by regulation, rule or order issued pursuant thereto, the relevant records in the system of records may be referred, as a routine use, to the appropriate agency, whether federal, foreign, state or local, charged with the responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforcing or implementing the statute, or rule, regulation or order issued pursuant thereto.

(10) Disclosure may be made to a congressional office from the record of an individual in response to a verified inquiry from the congressional office made at the written request of that individual

(11) In the event of litigation where the defendant is: (a) The Department, any component of the Department, or any employee of the Department in his or her official capacity; (b) the United States where the Department determines that the claim, if successful, is likely to directly affect the operations of the Department or any of its components; or (c) any Department employee in his or her individual capacity where the Justice Department has agreed to represent such employee, disclosure may be made to the Department of Justice to enable that Department to present an effective defense.

(12) Records may be disclosed to appropriate Federal agencies and Department contractors that have a need to know the information for the purpose of assisting the Department’s efforts to respond to a suspected or confirmed breach of the security or confidentiality of information disclosed is relevant and necessary for that assistance.”

Officials with Broward County Department of Health and the Florida Surgeon General’s Office have created a process to force-quarantine people who have not even tested positive for Coronavirus, according to a memo from inside the Broward County Department of Health obtained by NATIONAL FILE after a source filed a public information request. The March 27 memo written by Joshua D. Lenchus, shortly before he was named chief medical officer this month of Broward Health Medical Center, confirms that the process allows for a “Quarantine Order” to be issued for “Persons Under Investigation” who have not even tested positive. This scoop comes amid public outcry after we exposed Broward County Administrator Bertha Henry caught on tape discussing going into “family homes” and assisted living facilities to isolate people during the Coronavirus outbreak. Freedom protesters wielding petitions were shut out of the Broward Commissioners meeting on Tuesday.

Here is Broward County Administrator Bertha Henry discussing going into “family homes” to isolate people.



Partners in Health was recently selected by Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker to conduct Coronavirus “contact tracing,” a process that involves teams of investigators finding out who infected people have come into contact with. The group is already “training and deploying hundreds of contact tracers.” Some citizens fear the potential for mass surveillance posed by contact tracing, especially in light of a Democrat-introduced bill in Congress to authorize contact tracing “at individuals’ residences.” Partners In Health’s involvement will not assuage many fears, considering the group has received funding from George Soros and Bill Gates organizations and counts Chelsea Clinton on its board of trustees.

Partners in Health lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundations as an official partner, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Partners In Health lists Open Society Foundations on its 2015 annual report as a supporter to the tune of $1 million or above, along with the Gates Foundation. Chelsea Clinton serves on Partners in Health’s Board of Trustees, according to its 2019 annual report. 

Partners in Health co-founder Paul Farmer’s achievement.org bio notes: “Farmer’s work attracted the support of philanthropists, including George Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates. In 2002, PIH received a $13 million grant from the Global Fund for improvements in the Cange complex. In 2005 the William J. Clinton Foundation funded a Partners in Health AIDS program in Rwanda.” Farmer and Chelsea Clinton did a Clinton Foundation podcast together in 2019.

In response to a 2007 tuberculosis outbreak in Africa, NBC News reported: “Soros’ Open Society Institute announced a $3 million grant to the non-profit organization Partners in Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The donation will be used to design a model project of community-based XDR-TB treatment in Lesotho. Once treatment guidelines are developed, experts hope the program will be adopted in other poor countries.”

Soros personally announced the grant and said he hoped it would spark a larger project. For this initiative, Partners In Health was cited by name in the propaganda book The Philanthropy of George Soros: Building Open Societies.

In 2011, International Women’s Health Coalition noted, “YP Foundation Founder to Join Paul Farmer, George Soros, at IWHC Gala.” Farmer was honored at the gala, which Guest of a Guest noted had David Rockefeller in attendance.

In 2014, Partners In Health co-founder Paul Farmer secured multi-million dollar Soros financing for a coalition project in Africa. Farmer was featured in an October 2014 video interview on Soros’ Open Society Foundations website, which stated, “In between trips to Liberia, Paul Farmer of Partners In Health visited Open Society’s offices to discuss his work on Ebola. Paul talked about the need to ensure sustainable health systems for people in nations where the virus has spread.” Farmer blasted “fear and conspiracy theories around fatal illnesses” in the video and talked about how to “attack” conspiracy theories with activism.

Forbes reported in September 2014: “There’s never been a connection between Ebola and first-rate medical care,” says Paul Farmer, the renowned co-founder of Partners in Health, before pointing out that none of the health care workers flown back to the U.S. for treatment have died. Could the answer to the outbreak lie in the care regiment for those afflicted?

We’ll soon find out. Farmer landed in Liberia this morning, at the center of a coalition quietly formed to specifically – and quickly – test that thesis. In the next few weeks, the Farmer group will open a top-notch treatment facility in one of Liberia’s most rural provinces, along with strategies designed to maximize its effectiveness.

“This has been coming together for years,” Farmer tells Forbes, a few hours before departing on the trip. “The Ebola crisis pushed it over the edge.”

The impetus for this coalition began with a meeting two weeks ago, convened by Farmer’s co-founder at Partners in Health, Jim Kim, who is now president of the World Bank. Attendees included Director-General Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization, Tom Frieden, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Francis Collins, Director of the National Institute for Health. Dismayed by the global response – Kim told the group that the outbreak already ranks among the worst health crises in world history — Kim tabbed Farmer as the World Bank’s special Ebola advisor and also enlisted another attendee at the meeting, Raj Panjabi, who runs Last Mile Health in Liberia. (Full disclosure: Panjabi was mentored at last year’s Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy and I now chair the advisory board for Last Mile Health, which hires, trains and manages front-line health care workers in remote villages.)

George Soros’ Open Society Foundations quickly provided $4 million to fund this project. “The coalition got us a proposal the next day, they answered all our questions the day after, and we got them the funds they needed before the week was out,” says Chris Stone, the organization’s president. The project was appealing to Soros’ team because it features a local group familiar with the turf, an entrepreneurial mentality and the ability to scale.”

Forbes passage ends


Prospective Coronavirus contact tracers in New York City are required to understand “institutional and structural racism” and to support immigrants and the LGBTQ community. The government is employing contact tracers to investigate who infected persons come into contact with, leading to civilian concerns that privacy is being attacked. (RELATED: Democrats Introduce Bill To Authorize Contact Tracing At People’s Homes).

A job posting on Columbia University School of General Studies states: “The Fund for Public Health in New York City (FPHNYC), in partnership with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), is seeking contact tracers to perform case interviews and contact tracing to support the citywide COVID-19 response. using a trauma-informed, culturally respectful approach that builds trust and facilitates the free sharing of information.” The job includes “Conducting in-person investigations into congregate settings and selected cases and contacts.”

Listed requirements include: “Ability to understand the concepts of institutional and structural racism and bias and their impact on underserved and underrepresented communities” and “Have a demonstrated commitment to supporting communities who have experienced systemic oppression and bias (e.g. people of color, LGBTQ people, immigrants, justice involved persons, etc.)”

Democrat Rep. Bobby Rush has introduced a bill in Congress to authorize the federal government to grant approved entities the right to conduct contact tracing for Coronavirus at “individuals’ residences.” Contact tracing involves investigators tracing every interaction that infected people have.

Rep. Rush introduced HR 6666, “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act” on May 1, 2020 and it has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The bill has 45 co-sponsors. According to the text of the bill: “To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID-19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.”

People are concerned that the government might be angling to use contact tracing to remove people from their homes and place them in quarantine, after a Ventura County, California health official suggested doing just that (and later walked it back, though it’s unclear what his proposed policy actually is at this time).

Former Democrat president Bill Clinton extensively discussed contact tracing recently in video interviews with Democrat leaders including governors Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom:


Child Protective Services (CPS) agencies are facing national scrutiny as Salem, Oregon salon owner Lindsey Graham accuses CPS of questioning her children in a politically motivated targeting operation. Graham is fighting Democrat governor Kate Brown’s state government in an effort to re-open her business during the government-imposed Coronavirus lockdown. Graham’s crusade, predictably, is making her a target of the political establishment.

I led the way in exposing Child Protective Services with my 2019 investigative journalism series. I spotlighted the massive problems in Oregon, interviewing pro-life activist Heather Hobbs regarding her claim that a nurse targeted her with a vindictive CPS report in the hospital due to her pro-life conservative beliefs, and I showed how the Oregon Treasury invested in a foster care provider accused of lording over patient abuse.

Meanwhile: Washington state’s Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCFY, also known as “CPS” for “Child Protective Services”) posted a job listing for existing CPS workers to volunteer to supervise children in quarantine centers during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The job posting states: “DCYF is seeking current DCYF employees in King, Snohomish, and Benton counties to volunteer to supervise and support children and youth in Emergency Quarantine Centers. While this is a voluntary effort, you will be compensated four ranges (approximately 20%) above you current base salary while performing these duties, and return to your normal position and salary once concluded. We are looking for current DCYF Social Service Specialist 3’s to care for children who are either COVID-19 positive, or who may have been exposed to COVID-19. There are three locations…”

One of the listed locations, Cedar Springs Camp, clarified that they were falsely listed by the state of Washington as a quarantine center, and they asked the state to remove them. The job posting closed on May 11.

Responding to social media uproar, the Washington state’s DCYF put out a clarifying statement that the ad was only referring to children currently in the system. But their clarifying statement contradicts itself, at first stating that the quarantined children will be kids who have tested positive, and then stating that quarantined children will also be kids who may have been exposed to Coronavirus.

DCYF’s clarifying statement reads: “In light of some concerns from the public regarding two recent job postings by the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), the agency would like to clarify the intent of these job listings and address misinformation spreading as a result of the job description.

The job postings targeted current staff interested in Social Service Specialist 3 and Social Service Specialist 5 positions. The post prematurely included sites of potential locations in the community where we could house children in our legal care and authority who’ve tested positive for COVID-19 in the event that a placement home was not available. The facilities listed are not affiliated with DCYF and had not signed off on this job listing.

The listings have since been taken down to avoid further confusion.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, DCYF began internal recruitment of social service specialists to care for foster children who are either COVID-19 positive or may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the event a placement home was not available.

To clarify, those facilities that ultimately open their doors to this effort would only house State-dependent children and youth in out-of-home care who due to being COVID positive or COVID exposed do not currently have a foster home available. These facilities are for this limited scope and not considered quarantine centers or intended for the general public.”


Multiple mothers have had their children taken away from them as a direct result of working in the medical profession during the Coronavirus outbreak. Will these disturbing cases register with our political leaders, who are voicing public calls to stand with our medical workers during the pandemic?

Additionally, NATIONAL FILE caught a Child Protective Services worker attempting to use the Coronavirus outbreak to suspend all visits for parents of a child in the government system, citing a statewide policy that the state government says does not exist. What is going on?

(UPDATE: Dr. Theresa Greene, profiled below, got her children back after an appeals court ruling)

The Washington Examiner previously reported:

“A divorced emergency room physician temporarily lost custody of her daughter because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Theresa Greene, a doctor in South Florida, previously shared custody of her 4-year-old daughter with her ex-husband, Eric Greene, but a judge granted an emergency order granting him sole custody until the ordeal is over, according to NBC Miami.

In the court’s decision, Circuit Judge Bernard Shapiro wrote, “In order to protect the best interests of the minor child, including but not limited to the minor child’s safety and welfare, this Court temporarily suspends the Former Wife’s timesharing until further Order of Court. The suspension is solely related to the outbreak of COVID-19.”…

…Theresa Greene responded to the judge’s ruling by saying that “the family court system now is stressing me almost more than the virus.”

“I was just shocked that the judge would take this stance without talking to medical experts and knowing the facts and take it so lightly, take my child from me, and not think of the effect on her, her mental and psychological well-being,” she added.

The doctor noted that the custody battle will not stop her from following the “oath” she took to help people.”

Washington Examiner passage ends

Greene appealed the decision, and an appeals court ruled in her favor.

Meanwhile, I recently reported:

An Oklahoma medical worker has been stripped of her parental custody at this time because she works in a medical clinic and could possibly be exposed to Coronavirus during the outbreak, according to court documents.

A district judge for the Sac and Fox District Court took medical worker Katherine Spencer’s children after the father petitioned the court. “The Petitioner alleged, and submitted documents in support, that the Respondent alleged proximity to Coronavirus,” the court order states. Court dockets show no record of a hearing on March 20, the day the court laid down its order to confiscate Spencer’s children.

Katherine Spencer told her story on Facebook and denied that she has any history of “neglect” prior to getting hit with a gag order by the judge.

NATIONAL FILE recently reported…

UPDATE: Since NATIONAL FILE broke this story, the parents in question have had multiple short video visits with their daughter)

A Child Protective Services (CPS) worker in Oklahoma used the Coronavirus outbreak to cut off a mother and father’s visits with their 20-month old daughter, even though the Department of Human Services, the state agency that oversees CPS, claims to be keeping parental visits open.

“DHS statewide has suspended all visitations due to the virus so after today’s visit, we cannot approve any more visitations until it is reinstated,” said CPS permanency worker Danelle Dillman in a Friday morning text message to Andrew Ritter regarding his 20-month old daughter, who was seized by the government for “Failure To Thrive” due to low infant birth weight after the girl’s mother chose to breastfeed her. Ritter and his wife said they preferred not to place their daughter on a particular appetite enhancer due to perceived conflict with the girl’s Zyrtec Antihistemine.

An Oklahoma DHS official told National File in a confusing, defensive interview that the state agency does not have a policy in place to suspend all visitations at this time, but rather to continue visitations using technology like Skype and FaceTime. But the official does not know if visitations are actually still occurring. Ritter and his wife never received an offer to hold a cyber-visit. Here is the text that permanency worker Dillman sent to Ritter:

When National File called up the headquarters for Oklahoma DHS, a woman who answered the phone told us that parental visits were indeed “suspended” for the time being, “until they get this virus under control.” The woman refused to give us her name.

But Keeley McEwan, head of the Oklahoma DHS communications office, told National File that “We have not suspended visitation across the board in any way.” She pointed to the agency’s daily guidance for case workers, which she noted is “fluid” and “changes day to day.”

“As of today we are highly encouraging continuing visitation” utilizing iphones and programs including Skype and FaceTime. “Whether a visitation is cancelled is on a case by case basis.”

She did not know whether any visitations have been recently held since the Coronavirus outbreak using Skype or FaceTime. Permanency worker Danelle Dillman did not respond to repeated requests for comment. McEwan did not confirm whether or not she spoke to Dillman or Dillman’s superviser following our conversation.

I have been reporting on the nationwide scourge of CPS removing children from parents’ homes for highly disputable reasons or no reason at all, which many parents feel is due to the for-profit nature of the government’s child removal industry.


President Donald Trump is fighting to find a medical solution for Coronavirus in the short term, expressing hope that the anti-malaria drug Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine can help patients suffering from the Chinese virus.

The truth is that President Donald Trump is locked in an intense power struggle with Bill Gates, who is pushing his vaccines, which may not be available to the public until after November’s election.

Gates has a lot of pull in the medical world, he has a multi-million dollar relationship with Dr. Fauci, and Fauci originally took the Gates line supporting vaccines and casting doubt on Chloroquine. Coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx, appointed by former president Obama to serve as United States Global AIDS Coordinator, also sits on the board of a group that has received billions from Gates’ foundation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently provided funding to both IHME and Imperial College London, which put out wildly overblown models for the Coronavirus outbreak that caused mass panic and contributed to worldwide government lockdown. Gates is a big proponent for a population lockdown scenario for the Coronavirus outbreak.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID, a division of National Institutes of Health, NIH) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is represented by the Aurumn Speakers Bureau, initially criticized Trump’s hopeful assessment of Chloroquine, saying in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that “There’s no magic drug for coronavirus right now,” and lectured, “Let me put it into perspective for the viewers .. there has been anecdotal non-proven data that it [chloroquine] works… but when you have an uncontrolled trial you can never definitely say that it works.”

Fauci then changed his tune and launched a public relations campaign huddling closer to Trump. Fauci said that he would definitely prescribe Chloroquine for patients. “Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons. They’re anti-malaria drugs, and they’re drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus. Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for.”

Fauci makes his hostility toward the Trump-touted drugs clear:

Fauci is pushing the talking point that things will never go back to normal in our society until we have the ability to mass-vaccinate people, echoing Bill Gates’ assertion that mass gatherings in our culture “may not come back at all” before mass-vaccinations.

Fauci downplayed the threat of Coronavirus on January 21 in a Newsmax TV interview, saying, “This is not a major threat for the people in the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” Since then, Coronavirus has exploded in the United States, boosting demand for a vaccine.

Fauci later said that people would not have to change their daily activities as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak:

But Fauci’s NIAID actually funded a study on Bat Coronavirus, which was a project that included scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab at the center of controversy over their bat research. That study confirmed in 2018 that humans have died from coronavirus.

Here’s an excerpt from the April 4, 2018 NIAID website entry entitled “New Coronavirus Emerges From Bats in China, Devastates Young Swine”: “A newly identified coronavirus that killed nearly 25,000 piglets in 2016-17 in China emerged from horseshoe bats near the origin of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which emerged in 2002 in the same bat species. The new virus is named swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV). It does not appear to infect people, unlike SARS-CoV which infected more than 8,000 people and killed 774. No SARS-CoV cases have been identified since 2004. The study investigators identified SADS-CoV on four pig farms in China’s Guangdong Province. The work was a collaboration among scientists from EcoHealth Alliance, Duke-NUS Medical School, Wuhan Institute of Virology and other organizations, and was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health. The research is published in the journal Nature. The researchers say the finding is an important reminder that identifying new viruses in animals and quickly determining their potential to infect people is a key way to reduce global health threats.”

Additionally, the Daily Mail reported that National Institutes of Health, of which Fauci’s NIAID is a member, provided a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study bat-borne coronavirus. That study was headlined, ‘Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.’

So what is really going on here?

The true behind-the-scenes story is coming to light:

Bill Gates Cast Doubt on Chloroquine And Said He Is Running A Study On It

Here is what Gates said regarding Chloroquine in a Reddit Ask Me Anything session:

“There are a lot of therapeutic drugs being examined. This is one of many but it is not proven. If it works we will need to make sure the finite supplies are held for the patients who need it most. We have a study going on to figure this out. We also have a screening effort to look at all the ideas for Therapeutics because the number being proposed is very large and only the most promising should be tried in patients. China was testing some things but now they have so few cases that that testing needs to move to other locations,” Gates said.

Gates Is Funding Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates That Would Compete With Chloroquine, And Dr. Fauci’s Agency Is Co-Partnering On The Project

The company Moderna is working on a Coronavirus vaccine, which they expect will go into clinical trials in April. Dr. Fauci has heaped praise on Moderna and said that a vaccine is the only way to definitively assure the end of the virus. Gates is working on multiple Coronavirus vaccine projects.

The New Eastern Outlook journal reported:

“Gates Foundation money is backing vaccine development on every front. Inovio Pharmaceuticals of Pennsylvania received $9 million from the Gates-backed CEPI, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, to develop a vaccine, INO-4800, which is about to test on humans in April, a suspiciously rapid time frame. In addition Gates Foundation just gave the company an added $5 million to develop a proprietary smart device for intradermal delivery of the new vaccine.

In addition Gates Foundation monies via CEPI are financing development of a radical new vaccine method known as messengerRNA or mRNA.

They are co-funding the Cambridge, Massachusetts biotech company, Moderna Inc., to develop a vaccine against the Wuhan novel coronavirus, now called SARS-CoV-2. Moderna’s other partner is the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Head of NIAID is Dr Anthony Fauci, the person at the center of the Trump Administration virus emergency response. Notable about the Fauci-Gates Moderna coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, is that it has been rolled out in a matter of weeks, not years, and on February 24 went directly to Fauci’s NIH for tests on human guinea pigs, not on mice as normal. Moderna’s chief medical adviser, Tal Zaks, argued, “I don’t think proving this in an animal model is on the critical path to getting this to a clinical trial

Add to this the fact that the Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia, and we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. If that is to the good of mankind or grounds to be worried, time will tell.”

New Eastern Outlook journal passage ends

The Hill reported:

“Going into a Phase One trial within three months of getting the sequence is unquestionably the world indoor record. Nothing has ever gone that fast,” according to Fauci.

While it is uncertain that Moderna’s answer is the solution, Fauci notes that the only surefire way to stop an outbreak is to develop a vaccine. Moderna manufactures drugs around messenger RNA molecules that carry instructions to reprogram cells in the body to operate differently and beneficially. Currently, its genetic technology has not created a vaccine for humans.

The first study of the vaccine will take place at NIAID. If it is successful, a second trial would feature closer to hundreds of people. Pending the results of future studies and regulations, the vaccine may not be readily available until next year, Fauci said.

Hill passage ends

Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News reported in 2016 on Gates’ relationship with Moderna:

“Moderna Therapeutics said today it received an initial $20 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a new affordable combination of messenger RNA–based antibody therapeutics geared toward preventing HIV infection.

The grant is intended for use in the antibody combination’s preclinical study and a Phase I clinical trial. Gates Foundation’s $20 million funding could potentially grow into a total $100 million commitment—including the HIV antibody project—toward development of additional mRNA-based treatments for various infectious diseases, Moderna said.

“The foundation’s mission to help all people lead healthy and productive lives is well aligned with Moderna’s mission to deliver on the promise of transformative mRNA science to bring new medicines to patients,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in a statement.

Moderna said the development effort would be led by its infectious disease–focused venture company, Valera…”

Fauci Is Tight with Bill Gates

“He’s very good about not overpromising,” Gates said of Fauci in 2018 as Gates worked on a universal flu vaccine. NIAID Council minutes from 2019 show Fauci’s agency identifying a Gates Foundation workshop as being of interest. Gates met with Fauci in 2017 “to discuss research opportunities in global health.” In 2010, Fauci was named to the Leadership Council of the “Decade of Vaccines” Collaboration, which the World Health Organization, Fauci’s agency NIAID, UNICEF, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation convened.

Fauci delivered a keynote opening address on “The Challenge of Pandemic Preparedness” in Washington, D.C. at the October 2, 2017 Grand Challenges meeting, which is a project of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Fauci hung out with Gates in 2018 at an NIH workshop:

Gates Admitted That He Stopped President Trump’s Planned Vaccine Safety Commission With Robert Kennedy Jr. in the Early Days of the Trump Administration

In October 2019, Fauci Announced A Partnership Between the Gates Foundation and Fauci’s Agency, In Which The Gates Foundation Pledged To Spend $100 Million

The American Journal of Managed Care reported on October 28, 2019:

“The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has announced plans to invest at least $100 million over the next 4 years to develop gene-based therapies for 2 diseases: HIV and sickle cell disease (SCD). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) will also contribute $100 million to the goal of advancing these potential cures, with an aim toward providing affordable, globally available treatment that will be accessible to patients in low-resource settings.

According to the NIH, the collaboration between the organizations will focus on 2 key areas. First, it will identify potential candidate cures for preclinical and clinical evaluation, and second, it will define long-term opportunities to partner with organizations in Africa…

“This collaboration is an ambitious step forward, harnessing the most cutting-edge scientific tools and NIH’s sizable global HIV research infrastructure to one day deliver a cure and end the global HIV pandemic,” said NIAID director Anthony S. Fauci, MD, in a statement announcing the initiative. “We are taking into account those with the greatest need at the foundation of this effort, to ensure that, if realized, this exceptional public health achievement will be made accessible to all.”

Dr. Fauci Is Speaking At The World Vaccine Congress in September Alongside A Coterie of Public Sector and Private Sector Folks From WHO, CDC, FDA, Merck, Pfizer, etc.

The event is in Washington, D.C.

Fauci is a Hillary Clinton Admirer

Fauci and fellow Coronavirus response team member Deborah Birx Have Democrat and Globalist Elite Friends Including Gates and Nancy Pelosi

Fauci was a presenter at the 2001 Andrew Carnegie Medals ceremony, where he hobnobbed with George Soros, Bill Gates’ father, David Rockefeller, and other globalist masters of the universe.

Dr. Deborah Birx is garnering criticism for touting a disputed model for the Coronavirus outbreak prepared by the University of Washington’s IHME, a project of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Birx’s license to practice medicine in the state of Pennsylvania expired in 2014.

Deborah Birx Sits on the Board of The Global Fund, which is heavily funded by Bill Gates’ organizational network, as journalist Jordan Schactel discovered. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave the Global Fund a $750 million promissory note in 2012.

The Global Fund explains, “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a key partner of the Global Fund, providing cash contributions, actively participating on its board and committees, and supporting the Global Fund’s advocacy, communications and fundraising efforts. The Gates Foundation has contributed US$2.24 billion to the Global Fund to date, and pledged US$760 million for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022.”

Fauci Holds Numerous Patents That Present More Potential Conflicts of Interest For Him In The Medical Field, As Many of these Patents Directly Pertain To HIV Treatment

Here Is A List of Patents Held Or Pending Patent Applications Filed By Anthony S. Fauci

Fauci was previously accused of a conflict of interest regarding one of his patents in 1999.


Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump during the spread of the Coronavirus outbreak in the United States of America, while also encouraging people to socialize with her in the Chinatown district of San Francisco, where she visited a fortune cookie factory to portray her supposed opposition to bigotry and xenophobia.

The CDC confirmed the first U.S. case of the Chinese virus on January 21, in Seattle from a man who got back from Wuhan, China. Incidentally, the House impeachment managers kicked off opening arguments in the Trump “Ukraine”-focused impeachment trial two days later on January 23.

Pelosi told people to “Come join us!” during her Chinatown jaunt on February 24, which featured her aforementioned fortune cookie factory visit.

During the most recent round of stimulus spending, Pelosi attempted to stall the Republican-backed plan in an effort to pass elements of the Green New Deal.

National File reported:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s 1,119 page coronavirus stimulus proposal includes a vast amount of hidden, nakedly partisan political provisions and regulations that are unrelated to family and small business relief.

Several sharp-eyed social media users who had the fortitude to browse through the massive bill found bizarre provisions, including writer Rachel Bovard.

“Pelosi’s #COVID19 bill is 1,119 pages and contains provisions for “conducting risk-limiting audits of results of elections” so yeah it’s really very focused on the crisis at hand,” Bovard said in a thread that compiled screenshots of various provisions in the bill.

After proposing a bailout for the postal service, the Democratic bill includes sections about paid studies of “pay equity” between “racial and ethnic minorities” and their “white counterparts,” as well as a “comparison of pay between and women for similar roles and assignments.”


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently provided massive amounts of funding to both the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced wildly incorrect models for the Coronavirus outbreak that sparked worldwide panic and provided false justification for government leaders to shut down the American economy, creating mass unemployment. Bill Gates is a vaccine oligarch who recently laughed at America’s economic devastation, so committed he is to his vision of vaccinating the world’s population and keeping society locked down until that becomes possible. Gates, like his crony Dr. Anthony Fauci, has fought the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus and has claimed that society will never fully return to normal until a vaccine is ready. (READ: The Dark Truth About Fauci, Birx, Bill Gates and the Globalist Elites).

White House Coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx touted the IHME’s “Chris Murray Model” in April. IHME is housed at the University of Washington and was reportedly founded by the Gates Foundation, according to a Fox 9 report. In 2017, the Gates Foundation provided a ten-year, $279 million grant to IHME. Birx, meanwhile, sits on the board of the Global Fund, which has received more than $2 billion from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The IHME model proved to be a total disaster. In Georgia, where Republican governor Brian Kemp led the charge for re-opening his state, the model previously predicted 1,783 new cases per day on June 12 and hundreds of new cases per day into August. That model, just revised, shows 367 new cases per day on June 12 and zero new cases per day by August.

In March 2020, during the Coronavirus outbreak, the Gates Foundation awarded a more than $79 million grant to Imperial College London. The Imperial College London model, spearheaded by team leader Neil Ferguson, projected 2.2 million American casualties. The disastrous model led to Elon Musk lambasting Ferguson, who resigned as an adviser to the British government when he was caught flaunting the very lockdown that his numbers inspired. Imperial College London admits on its website that its research on arboviruses, which includes work on vaccine projections undertaken by Neil Ferguson himself is Gates-funded, stating, “Our research is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the US National Institutes of Health and the MRC.” Business Insider reports that Neil Ferguson’s MRC Center for Global Infectious Disease at Imperial College “gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with “rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems.” A job posting that opened in December 2019 and closed in January 2020 stated (emphasis added): “We are seeking an outstanding Research Lead for the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium (https://www.vaccineimpact.org/). This major collaborative initiative directed by Professor Neil Ferguson, is based within the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London and funded jointly by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance ($11 million over 2016-22).”

A Chinese government entity that has partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation led a delegation of public health experts to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in December 2018, after the lab had already begun its bat coronavirus research funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). This discovery was made by citizen journalist Amazing Polly (@99freemind). President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have emboldened the narrative that Coronavirus originated at the Wuhan lab.

(READ: The Full Story of Dr. Fauci, Birx, Bill Gates, and The Globalist Elites)

The Chinese government’s Center for Global Public Health (CGPH) guided ten experts from Africa to the Wuhan lab and other Chinese institutions and reached a consensus on “training of biosafety personnel.” The information on the trip from Wuhan Institute of Virology’s website can be READ HERE. According to the website, “CGPH has managed and implemented foreign aid mission assigned by the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Commerce, as well as international cooperation projects funded by the United Kingdom Department for International Development and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”

The post BUSTED: NIH Owns Financial Stake In Gates-Funded Coronavirus Vaccine appeared first on National File. Visit NationalFile.com for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.