DEVELOPING: President Trump Could Announce Commutation of Roger Stone’s Sentence as Early as Friday Evening

Roger Stone

President Trump is expected to announce that he will commute Roger Stone’s sentence as early as Friday evening.

The President has been hinting at pardoning Roger Stone for the last several months.

On Friday morning Trump said ‘let’s see what happens.’

Fox News reported that the President is expected to announce that he will commute Roger Stone’s sentence within the next couple of hours.

President Trump is expected to announce that he will commute Roger Stone’s sentence, just days before the longtime political operative is slated to report to prison to serve more than three years for charges stemming from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, Fox News has learned.

Sources told Fox News Friday that the president could announce a commutation of Stone’s sentence as early as Friday evening.

Roger Stone was railroaded by Mueller and his team of crooked Democrat lawyers.

Stone was scheduled to report to prison on July 14 to server 40 months on a process crime.

Roger Stone has been praying for his longtime friend, President Trump, to intervene before he was set to report to prison.


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