Providence Mayor Signs Executive Order to Pursue Reparations for Black and Native American Residents

Mayor Jorge Elorza signed an executive order on Wednesday to  pursue a “truth-telling and reparations process” in the Rhode Island city.

Elorza’s efforts come on the heels of Ashville, North Carolina, approving reparations that will “make investments in areas where Black residents face disparities.”

The Providence mayor announced his similar intentions during a press conference on Wednesday.

“Today’s announcement is a commitment that we’re making to a process,” Elorza said during a press conference.

The Providence Journal reports that Elorza’s plan is to “start with members of his administration and a group of African-American advisers meeting with historical societies and researchers to come up with a plan for sharing the state’s role throughout history in the institution of slavery, genocide of Indigenous people, forced assimilation and seizure of land. The history could be shared through methods such as exhibitions, community conversations and guest speakers, he said.”

“The city will then engage in a broad community conversation on the state’s history and the ways in which historical injustices and systemic racism continue to affect society today.”

The final step of his process will be to determine how the reparations will be paid.

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