Ashley Goldenberg BANNED from Twitter for Questioning QAnon Restrictions

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Ashley Rae Goldenberg, also known as Communism Kills, was permanently banned from Twitter for questioning the ban of QAnon accounts on the site.

Goldenberg, a prominent America First conservative commentator, whose work was previously featured in MRCTV and other outlets, was permanently banned from Twitter on Tuesday evening.

Goldenberg’s last tweets were questioning the recent crackdown by Twitter on so-called “QAnon” accounts. Twitter Safety announced on Tuesday that they are taking “further action” on the QAnon accounts across their service, including no longer serving content and accounts related to QAnon, stopping the highlighting of it in searches, and blocking URLs associated with QAnon being shared on Twitter.

Goldenberg queried as to what “offline harm” the QAnon accounts caused, and wondered whether this crackdown only happened “because Chrissy Teigen complained” about them. Shortly afterwards, she was permanently suspended from the platform.

Goldenberg Twitter QAnonGoldenberg Twitter Chrissy Teigen

READ MORE: Twitter Prevents All Verified Accounts From Posting After Major Hack

Many conservatives were outraged on Twitter by Goldenberg’s permanent suspension:

However, some “conservatives” didn’t care about this cracking down of Big Tech. Chad Felix Greene of the Post Millennial argued that because Goldenberg is “a deeply, profoundly disturbed individual who displayed concerning behaviour for years,” she is “not worth fighting for.”

In response, Goldenberg said it was “truly telling” that there is a “smear campaign going on against me by conservatives who say they’re anti-censorship and anti-cancel culture, saying I deserved to have been banned from Twitter”:

Some are even lying and saying they and others reached out to me out of “concern” for me and my “mental health,” but that is complete bullshit. These are the people who actively tried to destroy me on the right, and now they’re rejoicing in my Twitter ban. Remember this the next time they say they’re anti-cancel culture, probably in a few hours. This is exactly what I’m talking about when I criticize Con Inc. It is beyond parody.

Goldenberg was approached for request by National File and this story will be updated with her response. You can follow her Telegram here or her Gab @Communism_Kills.

The post Ashley Goldenberg BANNED from Twitter for Questioning QAnon Restrictions appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.