General Mattis Joins Forces with Bill Clinton’s Former Secretary of Defense at Cohen Group Who Claims President Trump “Is Taking the Road to Tyranny”

The Cohen Group, an outfit consisting of numerous individuals related to the US military and led by Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, announced in September that former US Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, was joining their group.

Earlier this month, William Cohen was on CNN:

In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, William Cohen ’62, H’75 was blunt in his warning about the impact of a second Trump administration: “We would not recognize America as a democracy.”

Cohen, who was a Republican US Representative for Maine during the Watergate investigation, told Amanpour that President Trump “is taking us down the road to tyranny.” Cohen also served as a Republican in the US Senate from 1979 to 1997.

“[Trump’s] trying to replicate what he sees as a positive in” Russia, Turkey, China, and North Korea, Cohen continued. “I think he wants to have one-man rule, and it’s not the rule of law but just the opposite, the law of rule where he only can make decisions.”

When Amanpour asked whether Cohen has lost faith that US institutions can ward off this challenge, he replied that while the US Congress, Department of Justice, and military are “holding for now,” they may not survive a second term.

“[Trump] is doing his best to tear down these institutions and to politicize them, so that they bend down to his rule,” Cohen said. “He likes to call the judiciary ‘my judges,’ and the military ‘my generals.’”

Talk about total projection and lies.  These people are sick.

General Mattis was President Trump’s Secretary of Defense and was an abysmal failure.  President Trump could not trust him and other military leaders in the White House and had to let them go.  It was a startling surprise to average Americans to watch the lack of support President Trump received from military leaders in spite of President Trump being more pro-military than any President in ages.

As we reported a month ago, President Trump brought Generals Mattis, Kelly and McMaster into the White House. General McMaster was so bad he brought in Eric Ciaramella. the suspected fake whistleblower behind the unconstitutional and corrupt Ukraine impeachment, and his colleague, Fiona Hill, who’s connected to the Russian and Ukrainian scandals, into the White House.  These generals were suspected leakers and liars and certainly to this day prove they are not behind President Trump or the majority of Americans who support him.

The attitude of these generals and the Cohen Group and their corrupt actions are indicative of a corrupted military.  In a brilliant interview below with Jason Goodman at CrowdSourceTheTruth, Diana West shares her thoughts on the state of the US military today. 

Starting at the 4:50 mark in the video below West says:

I can tell you that all of these leaders are not apolitical.  They either have direct ties to the Democratic machines or globalist entities or the military industrialist globalist complex.  I mean these are absolutely committed partisans who have now lent their positions and the military itself, to bashing Trump, in kind of a stage of the rolling coup that we’ve been looking at.

At the 14:30 minute mark in the video above West describes General Mattis and his oversight in high profile cases where relevant facts were prevented from being presented in court by Mattis.  He was just another part in the military cabal that was making money while American soldiers were dying with their hands tied behind their backs by people like Obama and compliant generals like Mattis.

Now Mattis is working with President Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of Defense.  These guys must hate President Trump for defeating ISIS and removing US troops from the Middle East.  They want war and the money that comes with it. 

It’s no surprise they are all working together to get Trump out of the White House so they can begin making money again.  To hell with our soldiers – they want money.

Hat tip Marty W.

The post General Mattis Joins Forces with Bill Clinton’s Former Secretary of Defense at Cohen Group Who Claims President Trump “Is Taking the Road to Tyranny” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.