Rapper Ice Cube Says Hollywood Owes Black People Reparations

Ice Cube says Hollywood owes reparations to black people for years of racism, saying “all the studios who contributed in our narrative, in our pain, in our misrepresentation.”

The rapper and actor, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, appeared on “The Breakfast Club” radio show with Charlamagne tha God, and said the studios must pay.

“Virtually all the studios who contributed in our narrative, in our pain, in our misrepresentation, in stealing our history and giving it to white people for over a 100 years, so I think these studios that we know and love should kick in to a studio that’s ran by black people with no outside influences, and whose movies and projects are owned by those black people,” Jackson said on the show.

Ice Cube also said Hollywood should give more ownership to blacks for their projects.

“Those black artists, those black directors and writers, and people who put the projects together should own the projects – and these studios, they can license the projects, the movies, or the TV shows or whatever, or they don’t have to,” he said. “We can put them on our own streaming services. I just think it’s a form of reparations from the entertainment industry if they all had to invest a certain amount of money into the studio each year as payment for all the damage they’ve done to black people.”

Jackson also said that  because blacks make up 13% of the population, they should get 13% of the money.

“We catching hell no matter who in office, and we always have. So we need to think about who’s gonna’ support this plan, and try to better the whole country … try to do it in a across the board, broad manner, because … stomping out little fires here and there, it just ain’t gonna’ cut it,” he said. “We are 13% of this country — more, 13.5 — and we deserve 13.5% of the pie, straight up, across the board. …We’re not trying to get to reform. We need equality, straight up,” Jackson said.

“Why reform a system that was geared towards our demise? We need to be equal.”

Jackson, a multimillionaire, said he doesn’t feel free in America.

“How the hell are you going to feel free in this country just ‘cause you got money? That ain’t s**t,” he said.



The post Rapper Ice Cube Says Hollywood Owes Black People Reparations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.