Carter Page Sues Yahoo and Huffington Post in Delaware Court for “Campaign of Lies” Against Him

Maybe this time Carter Page will receive justice.  Page sued Huffington Post and Yahoo today for their campaign of lies against him for supposedly being a Russian spy.  A charge that the biased gang from the Mueller Special Investigation couldn’t even prove.

Law and Crime reported today:

Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump, on Monday filed a new lawsuit against Oath, Inc., the corporate parent of Yahoo! News and the Huffington Post.  The suit, filed in Delaware, names the same defendants and makes similar claims to a suit Page filed in federal court in New York in 2017.  The New York case was dismissed because the claims failed as a matter of law, a federal judge wrote.

The new lawsuit alleges defamation and tortious interference with business relationships.

“This action is brought against multi-billion-dollar media company Oath, Inc., which negligently published false, and defamatory statements of and concerning Dr. Page without privilege and published the statements with actual knowledge of falsity or with a reckless disregard of truth or falsity,” the opening salvo says.

FOX News reports:

“Page is an innocent individual whose entire way of life was shattered as a direct result of being defamed and falsely branded as a traitor to his country by the Defendant’s media brands,” the lawsuit claims. “He was allegedly secretly plotting with Russian leaders to sabotage the 2016 Presidential Election and give ‘aid and comfort’ to Russian President Putin’s efforts to ‘weaken’ America.”

The suit notes that criminal acts of treason against the United States are punishable by the death penalty. Claiming the stories falsely painted Page as a possible traitor, the suit alleges the reports “catastrophically harmed” an innocent person.

“Overnight he was defamed and thrown onto the world stage as a traitor,” the suit said.

Page is seeking punitive damages, an award requiring the defendant to disgorge any benefits obtained from publishing the defamatory statements, attorneys’ fees and costs associated the suit, prejudgment and post-judgment interest, “other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper” and a trial by jury.

Carter Page never met President Trump but the Obama Intel Community sought and received a FISA warrant to spy on Page and by association, President Trump and everyone in President Trump’s orbit.  The Steele Dossier was used to support the Page FISA application and it was almost fully debunked by the FBI in January 2017, yet the FBI and DOJ obtained renewals of the warrant through August of 2017.

The Intel community then leaked slanderous information on Page, who worked for the US CIA in the past in Russia.  This was never mentioned in the media or in the FISA warrant application.

So after helping the US government in his interactions in Russia, the Intel community turned around and used Page as a vehicle to spy on candidate and President Trump.  The media was compliant in the total affair. 

Let’s pray for justice this time.

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