Add Your Name to Letter Opposing FCC Expansion of Ultra-High Wireless with NO SAFETY TESTING

By B.N. Frank

The Federal Communications Commission is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. Unfortunately, they are better known for doing the exact opposite (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Current FCC Chair, Ajit Pai, refers to this as being “not heavy handed.” Lawsuits have been filed against agency for NOT protecting Americans from unsafe levels of radiation (see 1, 2) and 5G deployment (see 1, 2, 3).

In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they have NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe. Congressional members have formally addressed the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about this. Municipal governments have filed lawsuits against the FCC regarding 5G deployment. State representatives in Hawaii introduced a bill to ban it until studies show that it’s safe. Municipalities have also passed resolutions to ban deployment (see 1, 2, 3, 4. 5) and ordinances to limit and/or control installation.

Thanks to Americans for Responsible Technology and 5G Crisis for creating a letter to send to the FCC opposing this ongoing insanity.

From 5G Crisis:

URGENT: We’re Sending a Letter to the FCC. Add Your Name!

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is looking to expand access to ultra-high wireless radiation frequencies for commercial use without having conducted any testing or environmental evaluations to assess the safety risks such exposures could pose to human health and the natural world.

That’s why this Take Action Tuesday we’re asking that you please help us circulate our latest FCC sign-on letter (full text in PDF format below) to any medical professionals, wildlife specialists, and/or relevant experts that you might know. All signatures must be received by 8pm EST on Wednesday, August 5th, 2020 to be included in the final submission to the FCC.

Sign now!

View a full PDF of the letter here.

Sign the letter now!

American opposition to 5G is not limited to biological and environmental risks (see 1, 2) from radiation. Federal agencies have warned that it can threaten national security, public safety, and weather forecasting accuracy.

The majority of scientists worldwide are opposed to 5G until studies show that it’s safe. Cities AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Engineers have warned that 5G can overheat base stations. 5G base stations use 2-3X more energy to operate than 4G base stations. 5G will generate enormous amounts of e-Waste which experts say we have too much of already – most of which isn’t being recycled.

Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other unsafe technology. For more information visit our archives and the following websites.

Add Your Name to Letter Opposing FCC Expansion of Ultra-High Wireless with NO SAFETY TESTING