CNN reporter says, ‘great shirt. I actually kind of thought it was cool.’

An Arizona gun shop owner knew the perfect shirt to wear during his interview with far-left fake news outlet CNN.

In a segment on Arizona’s controversial face mask orders, Against All Enemies Armory owner Patrick Baughman appeared on-camera wearing a mock CNN t-shirt – with a hammer and sickle communist symbol substituted for the letter “C.”

Baughman did not acknowledge his shirt during the exchange, but explained he makes customers remove masks before entering his store.

“We make any member, or any customer that’s walking through our doors remove their face mask. Again, that’s our pride,“ Baughman said.

“So you make people remove the mask when they come in?” reporter Miguel Marquez asked.

“Absolutely. You do not shop my store without — with a mask on, period,” Baughman replied.

Baughman explained he also disagrees with the coronavirus numbers being reported by health authorities.

“But 150,000 people are dead! Over 150,000,” Marquez told Baughman.

“I definitely, definitely, don’t agree with that number that you just threw out there. I think there is… There are so many cases of fraudulent claims as far as how they’re reporting numbers,” he tells the reporter.

After the segment, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota commented on Baughman’s shirt, claiming it sent a mixed message.

“I couldn’t help but notice the t-shirt that Patrick was wearing, I guess for the very occasion of being interviewed on CNN. He–it was a mixed message, is all I can say,” Camerota said.

Marquez responded that he actually liked the shirt – because of course he did.

“Yeah. He came out there in the Communist News Network t-shirt,” Marquez confirmed. “We’ve heard that quite a bit out here in Arizona. And it was impressive. It was good colors, great shirt. I actually kind of thought it was cool.”

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