Gun sales UP nearly 135% in July
Gun sales are exploding, with July sales up nearly 135% compared to a year ago, which is expected because now even anti-gun liberals are stockpiling for personal defense.
“U.S. firearms unit sales are at 2.0 million units, a year-over-year increase of 134.6% from July 2019,” estimated Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF), an industry analyst. “Likely single handgun sales (1.2 million) increased year-over-year by 152.0% whereas single long-gun sales (0.6 million) increased year-over-year by 108.2%.”
This sudden surge in gun sales can only be explained by demand from first-time buyers, namely liberals who were formerly more anti-gun than they are now.
Case in point, a Seattle radio host who once defended the city’s riots now says he “needs to buy a firearm” after rioters looted his apartment complex.
“Why the change in attitude? Perhaps it was because rioters in his city trashed and looted the downstairs to his apartment complex. Gallant arrived back at his apartment this weekend to find it vandalized and looted,” reported Zero Hedge.
Came home to my apartment complex. The Starbucks underneath has been destroyed, and cops are telling us to stay away in case something explosive is inside.
— Paul Gallant (@GallantSays) July 25, 2020
Even liberals who weren’t personally affected by the riots are starting to think about their own safety after reports of police standing down during rioting, which has been featured by exhaustive news footage such as this:
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