Report Shows Massive Corruption: Las Vegas Sent Out 223,000 Ballots to Wrong Address in June Primary But Democrats Pass Mail-in Voting Anyway

Last weekend Democrat Governor Sisolak and Nevada Democrats called a special session with no public present and inside of 24 hours they rammed through mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

Democrats did this during the special legislative session.

The new Democrat law allows people not related to or friends with elderly voters to fill out their ballots and turn them in to be counted!

This was a shocking development considering 223,000 Las Vegas ballots went to the wrong address in the June primary!
That was 17 percent of the vote!

Via the Public Interest Legal Foundation and Liberty Headlines.

The post Report Shows Massive Corruption: Las Vegas Sent Out 223,000 Ballots to Wrong Address in June Primary But Democrats Pass Mail-in Voting Anyway appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.