British Man Arrested For Filming Migrants Being Loaded Onto Coaches In Dover

British Man Arrested For Filming Migrants Being Loaded Onto Coaches In Dover

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/09/2020 – 07:00

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A British YouTuber was arrested after he tried to live stream footage of boat migrants being loaded onto coaches in Dover before they are taken to be accommodated in hotels at taxpayer expense.

A citizen reporter who goes by the name Active Patriot was recording the scene from a public car park when he was aggressively approached by police.

“I’m showing the world what is going on mate,” says the reporter, to which the officer responds, ” I think the world knows.”

“Do they really? They don’t know what extent, though do they?” Active Patriot responds.

At first the officer claims he is arresting the man for trespassing but then suddenly changes the reason to “breaching the peace.”

After the man complains that his arm hurts even though he is not resisting arrest, the officer responds, “Give me your arm, or I’ll put you on the ground.”

Steve Laws, another citizen reporter who has been documenting the migrant arrivals, told Politicalite, “I saw 74 illegals being toed into port by the border force from 8am to 11am.”

“They were so busy they didn’t get the time to unload one boatload before another arrived,” he added.

“My sources told me it as over 100 after I had left. I saw 3 coaches parked waiting since 8am. It almost seems like it was pre planned.”

French navy vessels are escorting migrant boats into British waters, where they are then handed over to British border authorities who provide the illegal aliens a de facto taxi service and free residency while they prepare asylum claims. Migrants pay criminal people smugglers thousands of pounds to reach Europe, dispelling the idea that they are destitute.

“More than double the number of migrants have landed in the first eight months of 2020 (nearly 3,950) than the whole of 2019 (1,850). Migration Watch UK has warned that more than 7,500 could land by Christmas,” reports Breitbart.

The alarming migrant crisis on the south coast of England has finally started to receive attention following months of former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage drawing attention to it.

After exposing how a packed hotel was being used to house illegal migrants in Bromsgrove, Farage revealed yesterday how others got VIP tours of Anfield Stadium after Liverpool’s Premier League title win.

Farage revealed how at least four hotels in the north west of England were full of migrants, with Brits being unable to book them.

“It’s completely one-sided,” said Farage.

“I’m doing my best to get this out because the Government don’t want you to know about it; Serco, who’ll be paid two billion quid over the next ten years [to accommodate migrants] certainly don’t want you to know about it.”

“All these people will be sending selfies and pictures back to their countries, wherever they come from, and the message is: ‘Come on down, get into the country, hotels, 40 quid a week spending money, full board, trips to Anfield… It’s stone bonkers,” Farage said.

The taxi and hotel accommodation service for migrants is being overseen by the same “conservative” government that just announced Brits currently on holiday in Spain and other countries would have to quarantine for 2 weeks upon their return, a de facto house arrest which will strip many of two weeks unpaid wages.

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