‘It was just a flat-out insult,’ victim says

A rape survivor named Joey Piscitelli exposed Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris for allegedly turning a blind eye to rampant sexual abuse taking place in the California Catholic Church.

In 2008, a jury found Piscitelli was a victim of rape while attending the Salesian College Preparatory, a Catholic high school in Richmond, California.

In a 2019 interview with The Intercept, Piscitelli described the assaults he was subject to in high school and how Harris’ predecessor as California Attorney General, Terence Hallinan, was going after the priests and employees of the San Francisco Archdiocese.

The Intercept reported, “Hallinan’s team had prosecuted cases of abuse that had occurred decades earlier and had gathered evidence as part of a probe into widespread clergy sexual misconduct. Just six months before Harris took office, a U.S. Supreme Court decision overturned a California law that had retroactively eliminated the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution of child molestation cases.”

After Harris took over as AG, she refused to release the files Hallinan collected regarding child abuse among the clergy.

Joey Piscitelli sent a letter to Harris in 2010, after she decided to keep the files sealed, writing, “It is not understandable that you have refused to release the documents that have been previously collected by DA Terence Hallinan, that spell out the names of the child rapists, and molesters who have wreaked havoc on children here.”

“It was just a flat-out insult,” Piscitelli said of the matter. “She could have redacted the names, blacked out the names and left them out.”

“It went from Terence Hallinan going hundred miles an hour, full speed ahead, after the Catholic Church to Kamala Harris doing absolutely nothing and taking it backwards hundreds of miles an hour,” Piscitelli added.

What other questionable actions, or in this case non-action, did Kamala Harris take while serving as California’s Attorney General?

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