De Blasio’s New York: Bulletproof Vest Sales Are Skyrocketing In Parts Of The City

De Blasio’s New York: Bulletproof Vest Sales Are Skyrocketing In Parts Of The City

Tyler Durden

Sun, 08/16/2020 – 14:00

As we continue to move one day closer to the lawless dystopian war zone that Bill De Blasio envisions for New York City, bullet proof vest sales are skyrocketing. 

Fed up with the litany of shootings and spikes in crime in the city since the Mayor’s cries to defund the police, citizens are now starting to take matters into their own hands. One midtown dealer says that sales of body armor are up 80% over 2019 due to the ongoing “unrest” in the city, according to the NY Post. Most buyers are from the Bronx and Brooklyn, where sales have skyrocketed. 

That dealer, Brad Pedell, told the Post: “You wouldn’t believe the people who call up and say, ‘I’m scared.’”

At the same time, citizens are becoming more standoffish private about their buying habits. One customer, when asked about why she was buying a bulletproof vest, simply responded: “I am a private citizen and I keep a low profile.” Another customer, from Queens, also declined to discuss why he was buying vests. 

Pedell said many of his customers fear being in “the wrong place at the wrong time”.

Even celebrities are taking their safety seriously. “The Amazin Kreskin”, who is an illusionist that formerly appeared off-broadway, bought himself a “high-priced, well-designed” vest last year and said he would now wear it on trips to New York City. “I love the city, but you can no longer feel at home and comfortable with a degree of safety,” Kreskin commented.

He continued: “What really hits home is look at all the innocent children who have been shot. Right now I would not feel comfortable living in New York City.”

Retired NYPD police sergeant Joe Giacalone told the Post: “People are scared.”

He concluded: “Guns are flying off the shelves and now bullet-resistant vests. Bring back cast iron tubs. That’s where mothers used to put their kids to sleep to deflect the bullets.”