Philadelphia Police, City Council Organize a “Home Gun-Check Campaign” Urging Residents to Turn in Firearms to ‘Combat Gun Violence’

Philadelphia is seeing an increase in shootings so the far-left City Council and police organized a ‘home gun-check campaign’ urging residents to turn in their firearms.

Makes sense.

Voluntary gun buyback programs and other programs aimed at urging residents to voluntarily turn in their firearms would only increase violence because it keeps criminals armed and disarms law abiding citizens.

Far left “community groups” with backing from city officials and police are distributing flyers which reads “save a life, turn in a gun.”

“Get those guns, run that room, see what’s in there. Find out what’s being hidden in your house. Take it out and turn it in,” City Councilmember Cindy Bass said.

Another City Council member compared gun violence to the Coronavirus, because why not.

“You might be saving your child’s life because gun violence is as dangerous as Coronavirus,” Councilmember Curtis Jones said.

“If you safely turn in a gun, that could help it get out of the hands of the wrong people,” according to the Marxists.

Philadelphia CBS reported:

 With gun violence in Philadelphia at epidemic levels, local organizations are joining forces to try to make a difference. Philadelphia police and other groups are holding a “Home Gun-Check Campaign” this weekend.

They’re asking people to go through their homes, locate guns they don’t want and turn them in with no questions asked.

It’s been said bullets don’t discriminate. Unfortunately, we’ve seen that firsthand this summer in Philadelphia.

“It must be stressed that community members who submit firearms will not be asked to produce identification. In addition, the submission of a firearm will not trigger an investigation of the person who relinquished it,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said.

ABC 6 reporter Katie Katro with more details:

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