EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Attorney Confirms that Obama Actually Bragged About Using the Photos of Kids in Cages as Propaganda

As reported earlier today, last night former First Lady Michelle Obama slammed President Trump for the atrocious act of holding illegal alien children in cages.

The left was very disturbed by this practice when the story broke in 2017.

But then it was soon pointed out the kids in cages photos were from the Obama years.

Obama locked up the kids in cages.
The photos were from 2014.

But this didn’t stop Michelle Obama from, again, pushing this lie, during her DNC convention speech last night.

What is surprising is that the AP actually reported honestly and trashed the former First Lady over her lies.

The Obama Administration was the king of the detention strategy for minors and putting them in cages.  The Obama team thought this was how they would prevent illegal immigration from the US Southern border, they would scare future illegals from crossing the border by spreading these pictures of children in cages.  Unfortunately, the pictures were nicer than what many of the illegals lived in at their native country and so the strategy failed.  Of course, building a wall was the best strategy.

Between 2010 and 2016 a half a million immigrants were arrested on the Southern border.  The US had to come up with a strategy for illegals.

So the Obama team decided to scare foreigners from crossing the US border illegally by publishing pictures of children in cages.  Obama’s Senior Immigration Policy Advisor, Cecilia Munoz, was behind the publication of these pictures.  The images were taken by Reuters and the AP and cleared by Munoz.

One Democrat immigration attorney Robert Andrew Free jumped in the picture and bragged about a discussion he had with Obama. Andrew Free claims he told Obama his strategy of family detention centers was wrong to which Obama replied that we can’t have families bringing their kids across the border and Obama moved on.

Free then claims that Obama said he was using the detention of mothers and children as a deterrent.

Free went on to say that the detention centers were also in place for corporations to make money and it all occurred under the Obama Administration up to the day he left office:

Boom – so there you have it.  A Democrat who discussed the family detention policy with Obama declared that Obama had this in place and was using to deter illegals from crossing the border.  He should have built a wall.

Hat tip Yaacov Apelbaum

The post EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Attorney Confirms that Obama Actually Bragged About Using the Photos of Kids in Cages as Propaganda appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.