As Biden Speaks President Trump’s Daily Job Approval Hits 50%

President Trump keeps rising more and more the longer the Democrat National Convention (DNC) goes on.

As former Obama Vice President Joe Biden performs his acceptance speech somewhere in Delaware in this year’s virtual DNC, his opponent President Trump reaches a 50% job approval rating in the daily poll by Rasmussen Reports.

Reports also show that the President is now in a dead heat in the state of Minnesota.  The Hill reports:

President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden are statistically tied in Minnesota, according to a new poll.

The latest survey from the Trafalgar Group finds Biden at 46.9 percent and Trump at 46.5 percent. Libertarian Party candidate Jo Jorgensen gets 3.7 percent support, while 1.7 percent are undecided and 1.2 percent said they’d support someone else.

Not long ago the MSM was giddily reporting bogus poll results showing Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden way ahead of President Trump.  We all knew the polls were garbage.

Today’s results indicate in reality President Trump is way ahead of Sleepy Joe, no matter what the MSM does.

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