As Joe Biden Accepts Democrat Nomination His Son Hunter’s Company Is Still a Sponsor/Shareholder of Two China Companies

Hunter Biden still is on the Board of China companies he made billions from during his father’s term as Obama’s Vice President.

Hunter Biden, the Democrat’s Presidential Candidate’s son, made millions from foreign countries like Ukraine and China while his father was Obama’s Vice President.  Young Biden, who’s had a problem with drug addiction and who impregnated a stripper recently while he was dating his dead brother’s wife, is suspected of partaking in massive corruption with his father during the Obama Administration.

The Washington Examiner reported on July 6, 2020:

Documents show Hunter Biden still controls a stake in a Chinese investment firm despite his promise to resign from the company’s board and a pledge from his father Joe Biden that no one in the family will have foreign business entanglements if he is elected in November.

The troubled son of Joe Biden, a former vice president who is now the presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, holds a 10% equity stake in the Chinese government-linked Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company, according to Chinese business records first reported by the Daily Caller.

Through his lawyer, Hunter had promised to leave the board of the Chinese firm by the end of October 2019, but his resignation was only submitted to China’s National Credit Information Publicity System this spring. Two Chinese business websites run by Baidu and Qixin both show updates with Hunter’s name being removed from the BHR board of directors in April, but both also show an LLC owned solely by Hunter — Skaneateles — as still being a “sponsor/shareholder” with 3 million yuan invested in the company, purportedly comprising the 10% stake in the China-based business venture.

We looked tonight and see that the younger Biden’s company Skaneateles still shows on the Board of Baidu

And Hunter’s company also still shows on the Board of Qixin:

President Trump knows Joe and Hunter Biden took advantage of the American people while Joe worked as Obama’s Vice President, and at the same time China took advantage of the Bidens and America:

Biden’s involvement in massive corruption is why Americans voted for President Donald Trump:

The Bidens are not for Americans they are for themselves.

The post As Joe Biden Accepts Democrat Nomination His Son Hunter’s Company Is Still a Sponsor/Shareholder of Two China Companies appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.