Sinking Ship: Joe Biden Begs for Money – Admits GOP Outraised his Campaign by $25 Million Last Month

The DNC held their virtual convention this week.
It was such a bust that by the end of the week President Trump’s approval rating shot up to 51%.

These people are stone cold crazy!

The best news of the week was that Joe Biden finished his speech without confusing his wife for his sister or sniffing some little girl’s hair.

Democrats are having a tough time.

And they know it.
Joe Biden’s fundraising email was another downer. Biden admits that Trump skunked them last month by $25 million and they need a big surge in donations.

They must be hoping China or Russia will bail them out.

Don’t forget that the indecent Mr. ‘positivity’ fund-raised for his presidential run on the misery of Covid, back in May. Karl Rove let him have it.

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