17-year-old clearly acted in self-defense.

New video analysis of the incident in Kenosha during which two people were shot dead proves that Kyle Rittenhouse did not shoot first and acted in self-defense.

Rittenhouse shot three rioters during the confrontation, killing two, one of whom was a convicted pedophile and on the Wisconsin sex offenders registry.

Video footage and images from the incident show how Rittenhouse was being pursued and physically attacked before firing any shots.

One of the individuals he shot was carrying a handgun, while another tried to hit him over the head with a skateboard and another aimed a kick at his head as he lay on the ground.

Now new analysis of footage that preceded Rittenhouse discharging his AR-15 by New York Times Visual Investigations journalist Christiaan Triebert shows that the 17-year-old did not shoot first.

“At 23:19, Rittenhouse is seen in this YouTube livestream. He’s being chased into a parking lot. While he is being pursued, an unknown gunman fires the first shot into the air,” tweeted Triebert.

The muzzle flash of the first shot can also be seen in the video from a different angle.

Rittenhouse has been charged with 1st degree murder, presumably to satiate the Black Lives Matter mob, but all the evidence clearly shows he acted in self-defense.

One wonders if the media will acknowledge that there were at least two gunmen involved in the confrontation and that the one pursuing Rittenhouse fired his weapon first.
Don’t hold your breath.

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