Submit or go broke. Germany’s police state mentality is clearly seen in a new nationwide policy to punish citizens with €50 fines when they do not wear face masks. Germany is Europe’s clear leader driving Technocracy. ⁃ Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood
By: The Local (DE)
A uniform nationwide fine of at least €50 will be slapped on people who don’t wear a mask when it’s obligatory, a government draft agreement states.
That’s according to a draft plan put together by the government ahead of a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel and state premiers on Thursday.
In view of the increasing number of new coronavirus infections, Merkel, of the centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU), wants to tighten measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 in Germany.
The new regulations, set to be approved later in the day, will apply nationwide and include a minimum fine of €50 for people who don’t wear a mask when they are required to.
As part of the measures to stall the spread of the virus, people in Germany must wear a covering over their face and mouth when riding on public transport and in certain closed areas such as shops.
However, states have differed hugely on how they deal with people who flout rules. Some states have been imposing strict checks and fines, while others have chosen not to.
Penalties have varied wildly, from €40 in Hamburg to €250 in Bavaria.
Meanwhile, the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia decided earlier in August that those caught without a mask on public transport face paying an on-the-spot fine of €150.
Earlier in the summer, the Berlin public transport service, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), said their staff had spotted around 30,000 violations of the mask rules in three weeks.
The mask obligation (Maskenpflicht) has also proved controversial, with some people saying the rules on wearing face coverings should be loosened to encourage more people to go shopping to support businesses.
A poll by The Local Germany showed huge support for face coverings during the crisis, with 89 percent of readers on our Facebook page supporting the measure.
For the first time since June, state premiers of the federal states are discussing the coronavirus strategy in Germany with Merkel.
The draft agreement states that large events will be banned until December 31st, private parties should be limited to 25 people and free coronavirus tests for people returning to Germany from non-risk areas will be abolished after summer.
Sourced from Technocracy News & Trends
Picture-alliance/Sven Simon/F. Hoermann
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