Alex Jones: Spotify is NOT Censoring Joe Rogan

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Alex Jones, saying he spoke with his counterpart to clarify the issue, has debunked internet rumours that Spotify has been censoring Joe Rogan’s podcast, and confirms that Rogan is “the captain of his own ship.”

On Monday, a number of episodes went missing from the Spotify back catalogue of The Joe Rogan Experience. Those guests were mostly on the right, including Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Mikhaila Peterson, Jordan Peterson’s daughter.

Podcasts featuring Stefan Molyneux, Owen Benjamin, and Sargon of Akkad were also not available. Many people theorised that Spotify were taking control over the JRE podcast, and removing anyone who may have been too controversial for their advertisers.

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However, this turned out to not be the case. Alex Jones says he spoke to Rogan about the issue, and confirmed there was no censorship actually occurring. Jones said that there were around 1500 plus files that needed to be moved over from YouTube, and there had been a few problems with corrupted files, along with a second rollout of episodes, which would explain the missing episodes.

Jones also revealed that Rogan’s favourite 100 episodes would remain on YouTube past the December 31st move date to Spotify, including those where Jones appeared on. Rogan told Jones that this would ensure those 100 podcasts would gain even more views than if they were just on Spotify.

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“Joe Rogan is in control on what goes on his show, and I’m just super excited about it,” Jones said. “To see him as the number 1 media person in the world and to know that he’s having all these big diverse conversations is extremely exciting. Joe is not being censored, he is the captain of his own ship. I’m very excited and I’m looking to come on his podcast again very soon.”

The post Alex Jones: Spotify is NOT Censoring Joe Rogan appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.