VIDEO: Leftists Celebrate Murder of Trump Supporter, Say ‘We Took Out The Trash’

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Left-wing activists celebrate the alleged murder of a right-wing Patriot Prayer demonstrator in Portland as the Oregon city experienced yet another night of violence–which has continued unabated since the in-custody killing of suspected fraudster George Floyd.

As news of the Trump-supporting Patriot Prayer member’s fatal shooting circulated, one Black Lives Activist, armed with a megaphone, took to addressing a crowd of left-wing activists to deliver the news.

“Everybody, I just got word. The person who died was a Patriot Prayer person,” the Black Lives Matter organizer announces. “He was a f***ing Nazi. Our community held its own and took out the trash. I’m not going to shed any tears over a Nazi dying!”

As protests raged on in the Oregon city, a caravan of Trump supporters made their way through the city. In the past, Patriot Prayer and Antifa would clash in Portland, with violence peppering their various encounters on the street.

Last night, the encounters escalated as grainy video footage show a group of people congregate outside a garage until they are broken up by gunfire, according to the New York Times.

“A Patriot with camouflage gear with infidel and thin blue line patches, was shot and killed during pro-Trump car caravan through downtown Portland at around 8:45pm,” Independent reporter Andrew Duncomb said.

The deceased man’s affiliations were quickly recognized by his Patriot Prayer insignia–which was immediately dubbed “far-right” by the mainstream press.

National File also reported on last night’s fatal shooting:

The mainstream media reporting of the shooting was criticized by conservatives for their misleading coverage, including implying that the shooting took place as part of wider clashes related to the earlier caravan of Trump supporters through Portland, despite the caravan being finished by the time of the shooting.

Interestingly, although Patriot Prayer could be deemed as a moderate group by some, the BLM and Antifa activists who celebrated his shooting were swift in calling the murdered man a “Nazi.”

Some called for the removal of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler for losing control of the city throughout the summer and having a history of turning a blind eye to violence repeatedly perpetuated by radical left wing activists.

Remove @tedwheeler. He has lost control of Portland. Democrat controlled cities are filled with violence and mayhem. Democrat leaders protect Antifa/BLM domestic terrorist rioting, looting, & burning. And murdering!” Tweeted Republican House candidate, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Members of Antifa later attempted to break into a gas station as Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson took refuge inside.

Tensions have further mounted as the summer comes to a close since the shooting of three far-left activists in Kenosha, Wisconsin, which has served to further polarize a divided country as some perceived the footage of the shooting to be in self-defense while others have claimed coldblooded murder.

The post VIDEO: Leftists Celebrate Murder of Trump Supporter, Say ‘We Took Out The Trash’ appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.