Trump Holds 30 Point Lead with Venezuelan-Americans Who Have Suffered Under Socialist Tyrant Nicolas Maduro’s Hell

Venezuelans eat from garbage dumps under the Socialist Maduro regime.

President Trump is leading with Venezuelan Americans in Florida.

Trump holds a two-to-one advantage over Democrat Joe Biden in Florida. Many of the Venezuelan-Americans fled the failed socialist Maduro regime. They have no desire to live through that brutal Marxist nightmare again.

Eldiaro reported:

According to an exclusive survey by the University of North Florida for El Diario , 98% of Venezuelans in Florida with the right to vote see “almost certain”, “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that they will go to the polls on March 3. of November.

n Florida, one of the key states in the US elections, the Venezuelan vote could tip the balance in favor of Donald Trump. 7 out of 10 nationals with the right to vote would do so for the current president, according to an exclusive survey by the Public Opinion Research Laboratory (PORL) of the University of North Florida (UNF) for El Diario . The poll revealed that both Trump and Republicans rank highly even among Democratic Party affiliates.

Although the number of Venezuelans registered to vote (approximately 50,000) is lower than other Latino communities such as the Cuban (650,000), the Colombian (190,000) or the Haitian (187,000), its incidence may be significant due to the parity of the elections of Florida. In the 2016 election, for example, Trump defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton by a difference of just over 130,000 votes. Therefore, on this occasion, the Venezuelan vote could bring trends closer or even define the election in this state.

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