Philadelphia Antifa Attack Conservatives Who Were Filming Interviews, Smash Car Windows With Frightened Dog Inside (VIDEO)

Philadelphia Antifa attacked conservatives who were filming interviews for a YouTube channel on Saturday, then smashed out the windows of a vehicle with a frightened dog inside thinking that it was theirs.

Conservative political consultant Lisa Reynolds had volunteered to help content creator James Klug film footage at a rally against the Proud Boys in Philadelphia on Saturday where she was repeatedly assaulted.

Klug had brought a poster that said “Trump Isn’t Racist, Let’s Talk,” hoping to spark some interesting conversations, unfortunately, things quickly took a violent turn.

“We went to this Antifa and Black Lives Matter thing in Clark Park, within five minutes of us being there they stole the sign and ran away,” Reynolds told the Gateway Pundit. “Out of no where, someone pulled my hair from behind and someone else hit me in the back.”

Reynolds explained that there were at least 200 people who were clearly Antifa. They had to be escorted out by police, because the militant leftists were trying to follow them to their vehicle.

“It was brutal,” Reynolds explained. She said that people were spitting on Klug and assaulted him as well. Someone else pulled a bat out and started hitting it on the ground in front of them, as if they were going to hit them with it.

The militants also smashed the vehicle of a man that they had mistook for being with Klug and Reynolds, but he was actually there to support their cause. A frightened dog was in the vehicle as they took a hammer to the windows.

Frightened dog appears after Antifa thugs smashed rear window of car with a hammer in Philadelphia, screen image via Kalen D’Almeida/Twitter Sept. 20.

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