Professor Who Told Students She Hopes ‘Trump Supporters Catch COVID,’ ‘Die Before The Election’ Now Suspended

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A West Virginia Professor teaching at Marshall University was suspended after making inflammatory remarks where she openly wished for Trump supporters to die from the current coronavirus pandemic before the election as political divisions become more entrenched as the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections roll around the corner.

Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, acknowledged their Biology Department’s staff member’s “overtly political statement” that grabbed headlines when a student captured the assistant professor’s statement and posted the footage on social media–where it garnered significant attention, according to The Daily Mail.

Marshall University released the following statement on Friday, via WOWKTV:

“Marshall University this morning announced it is aware of an overtly political statement made by a faculty member in a recent virtual classroom session and widely circulated on social media. The University does not support or condone the use of any of its educational platforms to [b]elittle people or wish harm on those who hold differeing [sic] political views. The professor was removed from the classroom yesterday and is on administrative leave, pending an investigation. there will be no further comment on this personnel matter at this time.”

Assistant Professor Jennifer Mosher made the comments in a virtual online classroom where she vented frustrations about people not wearing facemasks while attending Trump political rallies.

In the footage, Mosher said: “I’ve become the type of person where I hope they all get it and die. I’m sorry, but that’s so frustrating I don’t know what else to do.”

“You can’t argue with them, you can’t talk sense with them. I said to somebody yesterday ‘I hope they all die before the election.’ That’s the only saving hope I have right now,” she added.

Mosher goes onto call attendees of Trump’s recent Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally “bootlickers” before recognizing that she should not be talking about politics on her virtual online classroom.

“Well I guess I’m a little surprised that a faculty member would be that explicit about their own beliefs,” said History Professor, Dan Holbrook, when addressing the incident.

Students defended the Assistant Professor’s right to freedom of speech and stressed it was her opinion, although some students recognized that she overstepped with some of her comments.

Academia has been placed under tight scrutiny by social media and the alternative media after several educators have wound up in the news cycle for openly harboring radical left-wing views.

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The post Professor Who Told Students She Hopes ‘Trump Supporters Catch COVID,’ ‘Die Before The Election’ Now Suspended appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.