Deep State General H.R. McMaster on 60 Minutes Shows He’s Still Part of the Rolling Coup

Former White House NSA General H. R. McMaster was on 60 Minutes Sunday night in another attempt to denigrate the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. 

Although he was as touted as non-political, Deep State McMaster has connections to George Soros, brought future whistleblower Eric Ciaramella into the White House and is apparently still part of the rolling coup to remove the President from office.

General H. R. McMaster came into the White House as General Michael Flynn’s replacement.  We don’t know who recommended he be brought in, but the decision was horrible.  McMaster could not be trusted.

We reported in December 2017 that former CIA paramilitary officer and member of the Trump transition team, John R. Maguire, reportedly revealed during a fund raising meeting for an intelligence gathering operation in Afghanistan, that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster “authorized surveillance of Stephen Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.”

The Intercept reported:

“[Maguire] said there were people inside the CIA who joined in the previous eight years [under Obama] and inside the government and they were failing to give the president the intelligence he needed,” said a person who was pitched by Maguire and other Amyntor personnel. To support his claim, Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump. Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.

McMaster did all he could in the coup to remove President Trump from office and had positions that were the opposite of President Trump’s.  As we reported, McMaster purged Trump loyalists who supported Israel and were critical of Iran and radical Islamic terrorism from the National Security Council.

Cernovich reported in June, 2017, that McMaster promoted Eric Ciaramella in the White House in spite of being connected to Susan Rice in Obama’s White House –

West Wing officials confirmed to Cernovich Media that Eric Ciaramella, who worked closely with Susan Rice while at NSC, was recently promoted to be H.R. McMaster’s personal aide. Ciaramella will have unfettered access to McMaster’s conversations with foreign leaders.

(Ciaramella was suspected later of being the whistleblower in Rep. Adam Schiff’s criminal and unconstitutional impeachment hearings.   McMaster, was in the news siding with the whistleblower when the news of the fake whistleblower was released to the press.)

Eventually, and not soon enough the pro-Iran deal, anti-Israel and pro Afghanistan war general left the White House in early 2018.

After McMaster left the White House, he was in Munich in early 2018 and he spoke about Russia in a speech at a Munich Security Conference. The New York Times reported on McMaster’s speech:

Just hours after the Justice Department indicted 13 Russians in what it charged was a broad conspiracy to alter the 2016 election, President Trump’s national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, accused Moscow of engaging in a campaign of “disinformation, subversion and espionage” that he said Washington would continue to expose.

The evidence of a Russian effort to interfere in the election “is now incontrovertible,” General McMaster said at the Munich Security Conference, an annual meeting of European and American diplomats and security experts, including several senior Russian officials. On Friday, just hours before the indictment, the top White House official for cyberissues accused Russia of “the most destructive cyberattack in human history,” against Ukraine last summer.

Of course we don’t even know if the 13 individuals indicted by Mueller were real people.  We knew then and still today that they will never be convicted in a US court of law.  The indictments were a joke.  President Trump replied to McMaster’s comments:

But in the continuing efforts to remove President Trump from office in a ‘rolling coup’, McMaster showed up on 60 Minutes this weeked and was portrayed as a non-biased decorated general, not a Trump hater.

60 Minutes started off claiming McMaster “brought a world of experience to the job” and then presented his accolades before mentioning McMaster’s new book.  Then 60 Minutes claimed McMaster was “a disciple of neither political party”.

The entire interview was staged as if the Deep State was attempting to build a case of McMaster’s goodwill towards all men.  (See full interview here).

During the interview McMaster had the gall to indicate that he was not one of those in the White House who were after the President:

McMaster also indicated the war in Afghanistan should continue:

The entire interview was a shame and supports the impression for many years now that 60 Minutes cannot be trusted for non-biased, non-agenda driven, relevant news stories.  Shame on McMaster and 60 Minutes.

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