Black Lives Matter Mob Terrorizes Diners in St. Petersburg, Florida – Threaten Drivers

Protests and riots immediately erupted after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third is being charged with “wanton endangerment.”

Breonna Taylor protesters ran over to a parked U-Haul containing supplies for their violent riot immediately following the decision.

All hell broke loose.

Two Louisville police officers were shot at during protests tonight.

And now protests are breaking out in several cities across the US tonight.

The BLM mob is out in St. Petersburg, Florida harassing diners.

The BLM mob pulled up chairs and started threatening an elderly white couple at a restaurant.
This is disgusting.

The BLM mob is quick to threaten and damage your vehicle if you do not follow their orders.

The post Black Lives Matter Mob Terrorizes Diners in St. Petersburg, Florida – Threaten Drivers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.