In Case You Missed It: President Trump Went On an EPIC Tweet Storm Last Night — Crooked Obama, Pelosi and Deep State Prime Targets

Image via M3THODS

After his 72 hour bout with the China Coronavirus President Trump was back in the White House on Tuesday and ready to start swinging.

The President took aim at anything that moved.

Last night’s tweetstorm was Incredible!

Trump took aim at lying hack Chris Wallace:

Trump announced he had ordered the release of the Russia Hoax documents long ago.
The deep state is still playing.

The FDA is slow walking a vaccine.

Dirty media was in on the Russia Hoax scandal.

Lock her up! It’s time to indict Crooked Hillary.

The deep state made up their crimes against Trump.

Pelosi needs to wear a mask to get her blow-dry.

America wants justice! Get off your duff, Bill Barr!

Crooked Obama knew everything!

Obama was briefed.

Democrats are planning chaos.

More disgusting fake news from NBC.

The post In Case You Missed It: President Trump Went On an EPIC Tweet Storm Last Night — Crooked Obama, Pelosi and Deep State Prime Targets appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.