Steve Bullock Bad Choice For Montana

Steve Bullock, bad for Montana, bad for our nation.

Big money from out of state donors and super pacs is pouring into Montana. The Democrats, flush with cash from Big Tech and Wall Street, are flooding Montana with their propaganda.  Montana’s senator Steve Daines is up for re-election and DC Democrats hope to pick up his senate seat by running failed Governor Steve Bullock.

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Bullock dances to Pelosi’s tune and likes to pretend he’s a Montanan.  Montana is tired of Bullock and his mask mandates and higher taxes.  Just another DC Democrat wolf in sheep’s plaid clothing.

Bullock has displayed a hostility toward women. According to the NRSC:

  • Gov. Angela McLean, who Bullock forced out of her job
  • Kevin O’Brien’s victims, who Bullock didn’t speak out about, allowing for O’Brien to take another job only to harass again
  • Meg O’Leary, who was Bullock’s Commerce Director and allegedly had a relationship with the governor
  • Wendie Fredrickson, who was a former state employee that was pushed out of her job because she raised concerns about fraud
  • George Washington University student, who alleged Bullock grabbed her butt at a Democrat gala in Washington, DC
  • Elsie Arntzen, who is Montana’s female Superintendent of Public Instruction who has alleged that Bullock is unwilling to work with her because she is a female
  • The women in Bullock’s office, who he only pays 84 cents for every dollar he pays men, despite repeatedly celebrating “Women’s Equality Day.”

And the most recent controversy  was Steve Bullock coming out in favor of  packing  the Supreme Court in his recent debate with Senator Daines.

A recent poll released last week put Daines ahead by 9 points over Bullock. We predict after Bullock’s Court packing faux pas, Daines lead will increase.

In 2016 Montana gave Trump a 20 point win over Clinton, we expect things to stay the same in Montana and Trump will win the state once again. Let’s keep Senator Daines in his seat and send Bullock packing …and we don’t mean the court!


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