Dem Activist: ‘I Will Lie, I Will Cheat, I Will Steal To Win 2020

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A member of the Colorado Democrat Party Executive and Central Committees was captured on tape by a national watchdog group saying that he would do whatever it took to get Democrats elected this election cycle, even if it required breaking the law.

Kristopher Jacks, a leader at Our Revolution Weld County Colorado – a local affiliate of the Our Revolution non-profit group, which was born of the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign, said “2020 is a political revolution.”

Project Veritas undercover videographers captured Jacks saying, “I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win.”

“I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that’s morally acceptable in this political environment,” he is documented as saying. “Absolutely. We are pirates on a pirate ship and we have a bright future ahead of us or we have ‘Mad Max.’ I don’t want to – I’ve got an awesome war rig, but I don’t want to be driving it around the apocalyptic wasteland. Let’s bring in a better future and I will knock people down the stairs as long as they don’t die to make this happen.”

When confronted by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe about his statement he doubled-down saying, “I stand by everything that I said.”

Jacks said that a victory for President Trump this November could very well move left-wing militants to attempt starting a civil war.

“When it comes to civil war violence type stuff,” Jacks is videoed saying, “there are always military guys, like former guys, that stand up for the right thing…When that time comes, then we’ve got to get those types of people involved.”

Jacks engaged in more ominous talk saying if political change was to be brought about by violence, one way to do it would be to coordinate the assassinations of billionaires without claiming responsibility. Jacks suggested that founder Jeff Bezos could be at the top of the list.

The post Dem Activist: ‘I Will Lie, I Will Cheat, I Will Steal To Win 2020 appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.