Senate Homeland Security Committee Wants Answers From FBI On Biden Laptop

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The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security wants to know when the FBI came to know about both Hunter Biden’s laptop and the information held within. As well as their understanding of the veracity of details found on the hard drive.

In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, committee chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI), requested details on the veracity of the information found on the laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden.

Johnson wrote that a whistleblower – who turned out to be the computer repair shop owner where Biden brought his computer, had contacted his committee on September 24, 2020, about the laptop informing the members of the committee that it was in the possession of the FBI.

The chairman said that his committee staff had queried the FBI about the information but that representatives from the Bureau would neither confirm nor deny the information found on the device.

“I have a responsibility to validate and verify the contents of any information produced to my committee,” Johnson wrote. “The committee must know if it receives information that could be fraudulent or not accurate.”

“For these reasons,” Johnson continued, “the committee must know whether the FBI has assessed the validity of materials the whistleblower has provided, and what, if any, actions the FBI has taken since obtaining this information.”

Johnson also incorporated a series of questions that required answers:

  • Does the agency have material from the device?
  • How did the agency acquired it if they did indeed obtain the laptop?
  • Have the records on the hard drive been altered or are genuine?
  • Were the records authored by Hunter Biden?
  • Was the laptop was hacked in some way?

The laptop in question has information on it that point to Hunter Biden being the owner. Biden had purportedly taken his laptop to a computer repair shop in Delaware before its contents were turned over to the New York Post. The Post published emails and photos pertaining to Hunter Biden and his facilitation of introductions for a Ukrainian oil executive and his then-Vice President Father.

Some media outlets and at least one partisan Democrat lawmakers, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), are saying the Hunter Biden reports are part of a disinformation campaign, alleging that Russia and President Trump are is behind it.

The post Senate Homeland Security Committee Wants Answers From FBI On Biden Laptop appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.