After Dumping $70 Million Into 2020 Election, Soros Drops Final $1 Million To Save Democrats Before Nov 3

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Progressive billionaire George Soros is dumping millions into the 2020 General Election cycle at the eleventh hour in a desperate move to court Black and Hispanic voters who in recent weeks have turned away from the Democrat candidates.

Soros, who boasts of killing currencies around the world for profit and who has stated publicly he wants to collapse the American dollar, has funneled $500,000 to both the Black PAC and the Somos PAC.

The Somos PAC is a centralized Progressive hub that seeks to mobilize Latino voters while the Black PAC is a “modern Progressive coalition” that seeks to manipulate Black voters to vote Democrat and Progressive.

Soro’s million dollar injection comes after he donated several million dollars toward efforts in Pennsylvania and Michigan – two critical must-win states for Democrats, and after a massive $70 million 2020 General Election expenditure on behalf of Joe Biden and down ticket Democrats.

Soros is handling his political donations in a more clandestine style than in previous elections. As always, Soros likes to hide in the shadows so that it is hard to find his fingerprints on any campaign contribution.

The Hungarian-born billionaire has created the Democracy PAC for this election cycle. The Democracy PAC received tens of millions of dollars from the Fund for Policy Reform, one of Soros’ Open Society Foundation network organizations with a bankroll of approximately $3 billion in assets.

In an effort to hide his involvement in the financing of Progressive, Democrat, and anti-Constitutionalist candidates, Soros has campaign donations transferred from his non-profit to the Democracy PAC so that, even though his is donation millions, Soros’ name does not appear atop donor lists.

In 1992, Soros was a principle player in the collapsing of the British Pound, that nation’s currency. He also played a large financial role in the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic, the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, the Rose Revolution in Georgia, and he helped to finance coups in Slovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia.

When Soros was asked in 2006 about the statement in his book The Age of Fallibility that read “the main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” he said “[I]t happens to coincide with the prevailing opinion in the world. And I think that’s rather shocking for Americans to hear.”

In 2017, Soros called President Trump as a “con man,” and predicted Trump would fail. Donald Trump has presided over one of the strongest growth periods in American history.

The post After Dumping $70 Million Into 2020 Election, Soros Drops Final $1 Million To Save Democrats Before Nov 3 appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.