Top Microsoft Staff Hold Fundraisers, Donate Heavily to Joe Biden

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We may not hear their name much in the fog of social media censorship that clouds the conversation, but the senior executives at Microsoft are among the top five donors to the Biden for President campaign.

During the primaries, these same executives took the prize donating more to the Biden campaign than any other large tech company.

“Microsoft has been playing politics for much longer than the other large technology companies that are widely talked about,” said Max Moran, a researcher at the Center for Economic & Policy Research, noting it has been around longer than most US tech companies. “It knows how to play the game on both sides of the aisle.”

Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president, is a key behind the scenes player. He hosted a fundraiser for Biden last year and is also considered a big dollar bundler. Bundlers typically raise more than $25,000 for a political campaign. Smith also had a public role during the Democrat National Convention.

Kevin Scott, the company’s Chief Technology Officer, along with his wife, have donated more than $50,000 to support various organizations working for a Biden win.

And Reid Hoffman, a board member of Microsoft and co-founder of LinkedIn, along with his wife, have contributed in a very large way to the Biden campaign. Hoffman’s wife has given over half a million dollars to the Biden victory fund.

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