Bermuda Halts 5G Deployment and Opens Inquiry into Safety of FCC Radiation Limits

By B.N. Frank

High-speed internet is achievable, safer and more secure with a wired internet connection (see 1, 2, 3) NOT 5G or WiFi.

The majority of scientists worldwide oppose 5G. Cities worldwide AND entire countries have taken action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation AS WELL AS issue moratoriums.

In July, Bermuda residents submitted a petition asking for a moratorium on deployment. In August, legislators issued a temporary moratorium. They have now made it permanent and are investigating FCC RadioFrequency (RF) Radiation safety limits.

From Environmental Health Trust:

Bermuda has halted 5G and launched a consultation in the safety of Federal Communications Commission human exposure limits, millimeter waves and 5G technology 

The consultation document of the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda regards the general concerns about alleged health impacts from the use of radiofrequency radiation, the adequacy of Federal Communications limits, the use of millimeter wave spectrum and whether there should be a restriction on the number of networks that may be deployed.

The Consultation Requests answers to these 5 questions:

1.Do you agree that the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable within the United States, RF Exposure standards1 are appropriate for Bermuda? If not, what is a suitable alternative and why?

2. Do you agree that all antennae used by licensed sectoral providers should be registered with the RA? If not, what if anything should be registered with the RA e.g. location, direction (if applicable) and power level?

3. Do you agree that the Moratorium established by the EGD should be removed? If not, should it be modified and how should it be modified and why?

4. Do you agree that a real-time, publicly accessible Radiofrequency field intensity monitoring network should be deployed and a dedicated fee be levied on relevant sectoral providers and end-users that use Radiofrequency spectrum to cover the cost of the deployment and ongoing maintenance?

5. Should mmWave networks and small-cell technologies be restricted or prohibited in Bermuda? If so, why and what alternatives should be used?

Major Action to Halt 5G Worldwide

In the United States, the New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology just released its final report to the Governor summarizing its findings that safety assurances for 5G have “come into question because of the thousands of peer-reviewed studies documenting deleterious health effects associated with cellphone radiation exposure.” The majority of the New Hampshire Commission voted to support 15 recommendations to the New Hampshire Governor. Recommendations include: support an independent study of 5G health effects; reduce public exposure to cell phones, wireless devices and Wi-Fi in schools and libraries; ensure cell network infrastructure antenna setbacks from schools and homes; measure levels of cell network radiation; establish wireless radiation limits to protect trees and insects; establish more sophisticated measurement protocols to include high data rates; require software changes to reduce radiation exposure into the body; establish wireless radiation-free zones; and call on the US Federal Communications Commission to do an environmental assessment on the impact of 5G and wireless infrastructure expansion. The report has been sent to the New Hampshire Governor, House Speaker and Senate President.

Resolutions to halt 5G have been passed by Hawaii County, Farragut Tennessee and Easton Connecticut. Cities such as Los Altos, Petaluma, Mill Valley, and San Diego County California have adopted policies to restrict 5G small cells near homes. Oregon passed a Bill to study Wi-Fi health effects. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the California Department of Health recommend children reduce cell phone radiation exposure, as do medical organizations internationally, such as the Vienna Medical Association, Athens Medical Association and International Society of Doctors for Environment.

Over 600 cities in Italy have passed resolutions to halt 5G, as have cities throughout Europe, such as Trafford, United Kingdom, Lille, France, Ormidia, Cyprus, Balchik, Bulgaria. The Pancyprian Medical Association and Cyprus National Committee on the Environment and Child Health sent Parliament their position paper “The Risks to Public Health from the Use of the 5G Network.” Bermuda has halted 5G pending a report on safety. Switzerland’s report on 5G health effects resulted in the Parliament’s refusal to loosen their radiation limits despite heavy industry lobbying efforts. The Netherlands issued a 5G report that recommended measuring radiation levels and also recommended against using the 26 GHz frequency band for 5G “for as long as the potential health risks have not been investigated.”

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. They were corrupt before Trump was elected and have become much worse since. Lawsuits have been filed against them for NOT protecting the public from unsafe levels of radiation as well as 5G on Earth (see 1, 2, 3, 4) and in space. The agency refuses to update 24-year-old federal RF (wireless) radiation exposure guidelines. Doctors and scientists have asked MANY TIMES and again recently that health and environmental risks from from 5G, cell towers and other wireless sources be evaluated by experts with no conflicts of interest (see also 1, 2, 3). Nope.

Since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals experiencing symptoms and illnesses where it’s been installed (see 1, 2, 3, 4). Of course, other sources of wireless emit harmful radiation too. Last year, the World Health Organization predicted that high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation exposure (aka “Electrosmog”) could lead to health issues in a significant portion of the population.

Kudos to Bermuda for taking action!

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Bermuda Halts 5G Deployment and Opens Inquiry into Safety of FCC Radiation Limits