Meet Arnon Mishkin: Democrat Political Consultant Who Will Determine Next President for Fox News

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The Fox News “Decision Desk” has a reputation for being accurate, but that team is not without its associative bias. In fact, the lead on that team has worked with a notable Democrat political consultant who represented Tom Bradley, Ed Koch, and Michael Bloomberg.

Arnon Mishkin, 65, leads the Decision Desk team of statisticians, number crunchers, and political scientists who will scrutinize the vote count – the group that will eventually call the election for either President Trump or Democrat challenger Joe Biden.

This team analyzes the completed polling numbers, historical trends, and reports coming out of the election authorities – as well as exit polling, and determines its best guess at who the winners will be, not only in the presidential race, but in House and Senate races, as well.

Mishkin, who aside from heading up FOX News’ Decision Desk, heads his own consultancy that advises media companies on marketing and digital strategies. But it’s who Mishkin is associated with that has the tendency to raise eyebrows where being truly non-partisan is concerned.

Mishkin is married to Susan Fine, who today is a real estate developer. Fine previously served as an editor for the decidedly left-leaning NBC News. As an aside, these two high-profile individuals do not have Wikipedia entries in their names.

Mishkin worked closely with David Garth, a legendary New York political consultant to a predominantly Democrat clientele. Garth’s clients – and through him Mishkin’s clients – included:

  • John Lindsay (D), a US Congressman, Mayor of New York City, and candidate for president
  • Tom Bradley (D), Mayor of Los Angeles and candidate for Governor of California
  • Ella Grasso (D), Governor of Connecticut
  • Brendan Byrne (D), Governor of New Jersey
  • Ed Koch (D), Mayor of New York and US Congressman
  • Mike Bloomberg (D), Mayor of New York and candidate for president

While Mishkin keeps an extremely low profile, his past associations – both professional and personal and aside from giving him experience – give him a familiarity with the Democrat apparatus that should be further scrutinized by the public and political parties.

The FOX News Decision Desk team is rounded out by Chris Stirewalt – who started his career writing baseball box scores for the Wheeling Intelligencer (WV) and then as politics editor for the Charleston Daily Mail, and Dana Blanton (who also does not have a Wikipedia entry) – has worked at FOX News since its launch in 1996. She has a master’s in business administration from George Washington University.

The post Meet Arnon Mishkin: Democrat Political Consultant Who Will Determine Next President for Fox News appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.