BREAKING: Trump Press Sec Kayleigh McEnany Calls Pennsylvania for Trump

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White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has tweeted out that Pennsylvania has fallen into the Trump column.

Twitter has branded McEnany’s tweet with their promised warning label that information may be in dispute.

President Trump leads Joe Biden in Pennsylvania 52.2 percent to 46.6 percent with 85 percent of the vote counted.

While several members of the Trump campaign and the Trump family called the race, which seems to be narrowing in Trump’s favor with an almost insurmountable lead for the Democrat challenger, Twitter noted in a bold red font that “Official sources may not have called the race when this was tweeted.”

This news comes as the President’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and his team are in route to Philadelphia where massive voter fraud and polling irregularities have been reported.

This is a breaking story and will be updated when new information becomes available.

The post BREAKING: Trump Press Sec Kayleigh McEnany Calls Pennsylvania for Trump appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.