Protesters Mobilize To Pressure Trump To Concede Election

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As polls across the country closed and ballots were starting to be counted, violent protesters assembled in the streets of the countries major urban centers prepared to “burn it all down” if their candidate didn’t prevail in the polls. Now they are threatening the President if he doesn’t simply walk away.

According to the website for the group Shutdown DC – the same group that enjoined in training protesters in how to destroy cities, the “next steps” involve protesters gathering at either Union Station or Black Lives Matter Plaza across the street from the White House. Their leaders say they intend to “keep showing up…until the people swear in the new government.”

“On November 4, we’re going to put the media, the party establishments, and the big donors on notice – we’re committed to defending democracy,” the website reads in its agenda for November 4, 2020. “After some short introductions, we’ll step off to deliver a dose of democracy to some powerful institutions in Washington, DC.”

The conglomeration of Leftist and Marxist groups calling themselves Protect the Vote is made up of over 130 groups, including Choose Democracy, Color of Change PAC, and Planned Parenthood, among a host of others. They have called for marches in the nation’s urban areas across the country from November 4, 2020 until at least November 7, 2020 promising to apply pressure if “Trump takes action to undermine the results,” of the election, this according to the group’s website.

“We can’t assume that Donald Trump will respect the peaceful transfer of power,” Sean Eldridge, the leader of Stand Up America, said in a statement last week. “If Trump tries to interfere in the counting of ballots, or pressures state or local officials to say ballots should no longer be counted,” Eldridge said “then we would mobilize.”

Another collection of Leftists called Count On Us, cobbled together by the Sunrise Movement, March For Lives, Dream Defenders and United We Dream, is calling for strikes if Trump contests the election results.

“If Trump tries to steal the election, we need to be ready to lead a mass strike to make sure every vote is counted. We make this country run and if we all refuse to go to work or school, there’s no way for Trump to govern,” according to its website.

Daniel Hunter, the founder of Choose Democracy, told reporters that Americans can employ tactics that have been successful against “coups” in other countries, including streets protest and rolling strikes.

The post Protesters Mobilize To Pressure Trump To Concede Election appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.