Proposition 22 in California Passes – A Rare Win for Liberty

Op-Ed by Krishna Chandrasekaran

This author had previously written about Proposition 22, which overturns AB 5, here and here. By overturning AB 5, Proposition 22 protects the rights of drivers for various ride-sharing companies, primarily Lyft, Uber, and DoorDash, to work as independent contractors, rather than employees (who would have to file a W-2 tax return and so forth). Similarly, it also protects the ride-sharing companies’ liberties to contract with drivers, rather then being forced to hire them as employees with expensive mandated benefits.

In a country and world full of anxiety, grief, and extreme abuse of power by the government, on state, federal, and also various local levels, finally some liberty prevails. Furthermore, Lyft and Uber will likely scrap their strongly considered plans to leave California and remain in operation in the state, keeping civilization from regressing into the days when ride-share and taxi services weren’t anywhere as convenient or inexpensive.

Much more work needs to be done to restore liberty, both in and outside of California, but at least this is a step in the right direction. While it remains unlikely that other similar major advancements in liberty will be achieved any time soon, either in or out of California, at least this passing of Proposition 22 provides proof that liberty can prevail, even in the liberty adverse state of California, if the people take appropriate action and stop electing politicians that always find ways to pass all these wicked, liberty-violating laws – this primarily means governor Gavin Newsom and nearly every Democrat in California that unfortunately always finds ways to win. So much for bipartisanship!

It’s time to stop voting Democrat and continue voting to strike down all other laws that similarly violate liberty. Let’s repeal all these totally illegitimate COVID-fueled lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and mask mandates. Let’s do the same for all the tax laws and unreasonably burdensome regulations, which the politicians who pass them rarely ever read (if ever), on non-violent business and personal activities.

Source: Liberty Forecast Blog

Image: Pixabay

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Proposition 22 in California Passes – A Rare Win for Liberty