VIDEO: Detroit GOP Observers Locked Out Over ‘COVID Rules’ Now Demand Transparency

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Michigan is a key battle ground state and one that both candidates need for their pathways to victory, That makes news that Republican poll watchers are being denied access to observe the vote counting, in at least one vote-counting center in Detroit, highly objectionable.

Video posted to Facebook shows one Republican poll watcher, situated outside a Detroit polling place, making it very clear that the rights of Republican poll watchers – at least in that precinct – are being illegally denied.

“At this time, I am asking Mr. Daniel Sims to let these 19 people in so that they can assist with the counting, just as the Democrats are in counting” a poll worker says on the video. “Everyone in the country now knows that overnight 200,00 votes suddenly appeared in the City of Detroit. That’s a lot of counting.”

The election official in charge of the locations, Daniel Sims, not only refused to allow Republicans their right to audit and observe the vote tabulating process, he instructed employees to erect cardboard shades to block people from seeing through the glass of the vote-counting room.

Additionally in Detroit, which is located in the Democrat-heavy Wayne County in Michigan, a lawyer working with the group Lawyers for Trump captured video of some highly suspicious activity at one Detroit vote-counting center. Under the cover of darkness, vans and cars delivered unidentified boxes into the secured vote-counting rooms.

The morning after Election Day, Kellye SoRelle, a lawyer from Texas working with the group Lawyers for Trump, witnessed a person in a white van loading up a red wagon with what appears to be a ballot box and delivering it to the secured vote-counting room at a Detroit vote-counting location.

SoRelle released the video to the publishers of Texas Scorecard saying she wanted to raise “alarms that the box may have been a ballot box that arrived long after all ballots were expected to have been received at the counting facility.”

The watchdog website also reports that “other images appear to show suitcases and coolers moving in and out of the secure area where mail-in ballots were being counted during a shift change at 4 am.”

82 of 83 counties are reporting in Michigan revealing that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden leads President Trump by a 2.73 percentage point margin, 50.60 percent to 47.87 percent.

Michigan is one of the states that the Trump campaign has targeted for litigation citing the many reports of voting and vote tabulation irregularities.

The post VIDEO: Detroit GOP Observers Locked Out Over ‘COVID Rules’ Now Demand Transparency appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.